
Black Americans are not a monolithic group so stop treating us like one | Rashawn Ray

America’s black population includes many differences based on geography, gender and a host of other factors

Donald Trump’s 2020 State of the Union speech featured a series of cameo appearances by black Americans. Similar to his Super Bowl ad, Trump aimed to signal to black people that he cares about education and addiction in inner cities, the military service of black Americans and the plight of returning citizens trying to find work in an economy that is not kind to black people or ex-felons. Despite some people framing Trump’s address as a black exploitation film, particularly by giving out a scholarship to a black child in Philadelphia who already attends a high-quality charter school, awarding the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh, and not acknowledging the cancer diagnosis of the civil rights icon and congressman John Lewis, Trump attempted to do what political pundits and voting polls often do not – treat black people as the heterogeneous group that they are who have different experiences and care about a series of important policy issues.

Related: Black voters hold Buttigieg and Biden’s fates in their hands | Theodore R Johnson

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Pete Buttigieg is Biden without the black friends | Malaika Jabali

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