
Bloomberg is avoiding all scrutiny. It’s time to take a long, hard look at his views | Benjamin Dixon

I unearthed a clip of the mayor speaking about stop-and-frisk that should make every American question his suitability to be president

Michael Bloomberg wants to be president of the United States yet faces little to no scrutiny. Black and brown men of New York City have been interrogated more than he has. Other candidates appear on debate stages to be questioned by the American people. Not Bloomberg. Thanks to his wealth, he can afford to sidestep this process entirely by spending millions on TV ads. Is that fair? Surely anyone who wants to be president of United States needs to be vetted. That’s why I decided to dig through reams of video and audio footage of the former mayor. What I discovered was deeply troubling.

In audio that I unearthed and disseminated on Tuesday from a 2015 speech at the Aspen Institute, Bloomberg gave his rationale for his controversial stop-and-frisk policy, saying:

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Source: US Politics -


The man shaping the Democratic contest? It’s Donald Trump | Jonathan Freedland

A Pileup of Moderates, and Bernie Sanders’s Path to the Nomination