
From Republicans to Democrats: America is hopefully divided | Geoffrey Kabaservice

The past week of news has shown just how entrenched the state of polarization is in the United States today

The early 20th-century American entertainer and social commentator Will Rogers once observed: “I’m not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” Rarely has that aphorism seemed as appropriate as in the wake of this week’s botched Iowa Democratic caucuses.

I stayed up half the night waiting for the Iowa election results, only to find (along with my fellow frustrated political obsessives) that none would be forthcoming, largely on account of a faulty app. With the results still trickling in days after they should have been tabulated, it appears that Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders are in a virtual dead heat for the lead, with Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar rounding out the second tier.

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Source: US Politics -


Does Pete Buttigieg have a path to the Democratic party nomination? | Rachel Bitecofer

I helped coin the term ‘identity politics’. I’m endorsing Bernie Sanders | Barbara Smith