
‘He’s working for it’: why Latinos are rallying behind Sanders

‘Tio Bernie’ has a commanding lead among Latinos in the key states of California and Texas. Their support could be decisive

Maria Vallardes came to the door in slippered feet, a pomeranian yipping behind her. Standing on her porch with a clipboard and an earnest smile was Ricardo Alonzo Ugalde, a volunteer with the Bernie Sanders campaign assigned to canvas in this corner of east Los Angeles, the heart of the Latino community.

“Buenas tardes, señora,” he greeted Vallardes before starting his pitch. The California primary election was Tuesday – did she plan to vote? She did. And was she a registered Democrat? She laughed, as if the question was preposterous. Of course, the 65-year-old told him in Spanish. “Do you think I would vote for Donald Trump?”

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Source: US Politics -


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