
Impeachment was a health-check for American democracy. It is not well | Andrew Gawthrope

The Republican-controlled senate collectively shrugged in the face of Trump’s crimes. So much for checks and balances

The acquittal of Donald Trump reminds us once again of the fragility of American democracy. The failure of impeachment along blatantly partisan lines means that the crucial barriers protecting us from authoritarianism cannot be relied on. The fate of the country’s institutions are left to the mercies of a man singularly unfit to safeguard them.

The slow-creep of authoritarian rule need not be dramatic. It can even, as impeachment seemed at times, be rather boring. Democracy can die by inches, with precedents being established and barriers swept away so gradually that we don’t see what is happening until it is too late. Historians may look back on the past few years as just such a time, with today’s acquittal bringing to maturity a process from which American democracy may take a long time to recover.

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Source: US Politics -


Impeachment didn’t remove Trump. But what if elections won’t either? | Lawrence Douglas

Senate acquits Trump on two articles of impeachment – video