
Joe Biden is surging but his campaign has one weak spot: Joe Biden himself | Cas Mudde

There is little reason to assume ‘Joementum’ will die off soon – but gaffes have killed his earlier runs and could still kill this one too

Super Tuesday was a powerful reminder that Twitter is not the real world. Of course, we knew this, or could have known this. Pew Research had shown several times that Democrats on Twitter are more liberal than Democrats overall, and that Twitter Democrats are less supportive of Joe Biden and more supportive of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. But pushed by some early wins, and the overwhelming presence of a loud minority on social media, the Sanders train took off in the traditional media too, bringing excitement and panic to liberal and moderate journalists and pundits alike.

It was not to be. Not Sanders but Biden was the big winner of Super Tuesday. Winning 10 of the 14 states in play, he only left Sanders the big prize of the delegate-richest state of California, and even there he ate into the Vermont senator’s delegate count, in part helped by Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren, who both polled above 10% but below the 15% viability threshold.

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Source: US Politics -


Super Tuesday results surprised pundits. Do more shocks await us? | Geoffrey Kabaservice

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