Donald Trump may not like reading, but he has inspired a lot of people to take up writing. Anyone remotely connected to the president appears to have an exposé of the Trump administration forthcoming. That includes Sarah Sanders, the former White House press secretary; her book, Speaking for Myself, will be released later this year.
Sanders has remained loyal to the president; instead, she directs barbs at the former national security adviser John Bolton, who most certainly has not. In an extract of her book given to the politics site Axios, she describes Bolton as being “drunk on power” and forgetting that “nobody elected him to anything”.
It is a shame Sanders has written a memoir, because she has a talent for fiction. During her two-year tenure as press secretary, Sanders proved herself a smooth and shameless liar. She maintained a straight face while arguing that Trump, who has repeatedly glorified violence, had never encouraged violence against anyone. She claimed that Trump’s firing of the FBI director, James Comey, had support from “countless members of the FBI”, before admitting under oath that this statement “was not founded on anything”.
When Sanders was not spouting outrageous untruths, she did not seem to know what to do with herself. Daily media addresses were the norm before her reign; she killed them off and set a White House record when she went 94 days without holding a proper press briefing. In short, she collected a taxpayer-funded salary while openly holding taxpayers in contempt.
Nonetheless, a publisher has rewarded Sanders with a book deal. Shame on everyone involved in this. Sanders has started a new chapter of her life, but there does not appear to have been any character development.
Source: US Politics - theguardian.com