
Trump reads out positive news stories at press briefing as US death toll reaches 40,000 – video

US president Donald Trump has used his daily coronavirus press briefing to read out flattering news stories about himself. He also played a highly-edited clip of New York governor Andrew Cuomo in a bid to prove his administration’s handling of the pandemic has been competent. CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond asked if the day the US reached the ‘grim milestone’ of 40,000 deaths is ‘really the time for self-congratulations?’ Trump went on to call the reporter ‘fake news’ who didn’t ‘have the brains you were born with’

  • Trump plays misleading clips of ‘support’ from Cuomo at coronavirus briefing
  • Trump holds Covid-19 briefing as governors ask for more help – as it happened

Source: US Politics -


New York mayor De Blasio asks if Trump is telling city to 'drop dead' over Covid-19

’Keep your voice down’: Trump berates female reporter when questioned over Covid-19 response – video