
We can’t leave it to billionaires like Bezos and Bloomberg to solve the world’s problems | Simon Jenkins

It’s up to government to tax and spend for the good of all, and not the mega-rich seeking a warm glow

So who do you want for president, this “arrogant billionaire” or the other one? You don’t have to be rich to win US elections, but it helps. Michael Bloomberg’s assault on the Democratic party may be an extreme case of wealth attempting to buy power, but, as he implied on Wednesday, if it takes a person of extreme wealth to be rid of Donald Trump, so be it.

At least Bloomberg is running for election. Consider the other now fashionable route to global leadership. Jeff Bezos this week offered to save not just America but “the Earth”, with $10bn of his personal fortune. He followed Bill Gates, who is devoting billions to cure global disease, and Mark Zuckerberg, who in 2015 pledged to put 99% of his winnings into “advancing human potential and reducing inequality”.

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Source: US Politics -


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