The president’s decision to hold his first rally since the coronavirus lockdown in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has ignited fresh controversy. The city was home to one of America’s worst ever acts of racial violence in 1921, a moment marked in recent Black Lives Matter protests, and Oklahoma is now seeing a new wave of coronavirus infections. So why has Trump chosen Tulsa?
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Donald Trump will hold his first election rally since the coronavirus lockdown in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday. As thousands of his supporters descend on an indoor sports arena, the event has been widely criticised for risking a new rise in Covid-19 infections as well as stoking racial tensions.
The Guardian’s Oliver Laughland joins Anushka Asthana from Tulsa where he has been speaking to protesters ahead of Saturday’s rally. He looks back to 1921 and the site of one of the worst episodes of racial violence in US history.
Clips from: Fox News, CBS 60 Minutes, CBS Evening News, KJHR-TV Tulsa Channel 2, HBO, CNN, NBC Today Show, TMJ4 Milwaukee News, ABC News, ABC-15 Phoenix

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Source: US Politics - theguardian.com