
Life after impeachment: Where do the Democrats go from here? | Cas Mudde

The Democrats knew impeachment was a political risk, but they put country over party – unlike Republicans. They should embrace that message

The outcome of the Senate “trial” of impeached president Donald Trump was known from the start, but the whole charade was still yet another shock to the US democratic system. Not the expected “acquittal”, but the refusal to hear witnesses, the autocratic argumentation used by his lawyers (in short, whatever the Great Leader deems in His interest, is in the country’s interest), the speed of the “trial”, and particularly the “he did it, but we don’t care” arguments from Republican members of Congress.

I have previously argued that the Democrats were damned if they did (impeach him), damned if they didn’t. In the end, they did the right thing, morally and politically, even if impeachment might not have been the best strategic move. Democrats had to make it clear that Trump’s actions constituted abuse of power – and they did. Unfortunately, a minority of Americans, who hold a majority of power, don’t care. So, where does this leave the Democrats now?

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Source: US Politics -


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