
The Trump era is a golden age of conspiracy theories – on the right and left | Nicolas Guilhot and Samuel Moyn

The only way to fight the spread of conspiracy theories is to reduce the conditions of social inequality that produce them

In his novel Foucault’s Pendulum, the late Umberto Eco dreamed up a plot for our time. The book portrays a collection of enlightened skeptics who get swept into conspiracy. First to amuse themselves, and then because the crackpots they ridicule participate in the madness, Eco’s characters seal their own doom. They connect dots that are unrelated. They see cabals that don’t exist.

Related: Bloomberg is avoiding all scrutiny. It’s time to take a long, hard look at his views | Benjamin Dixon

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Geoffrey Cox: Attorney general sacked from cabinet by Boris Johnson

Black voters hold Buttigieg and Biden’s fates in their hands | Theodore R Johnson