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    There’s no age limit for politicians − as people live longer, should that change?

    President Joe Biden was “fine,” according to White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt, after tripping over a sandbag at a U.S. Air Force graduation ceremony on June 1, 2023.

    But his fall was caught on live camera – and people on social media speculated about what was behind it.

    Biden, approaching his 81st birthday in November 2023, is the oldest serving U.S. president. He shares the distinction of old age with a growing number of politicians, including U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who, at age 90, is the oldest person in the Senate and has served as senator since 1992.

    Some people – from fellow Democrats to The New York Times editorial board – have questioned whether Feinstein can fulfill the duties of her job, citing incidents in which she stumbled over words. Feinstein began reading prepared remarks during a Senate appropriations hearing vote on July 27, 2023, until her democratic colleague, Sen. Patty Murray, whispered to her, “Just say aye.”’

    Feinstein was also absent for prolonged periods with various illnesses, including shingles and encephalitis from February through May 2023. She later told journalists that she “hasn’t been gone” and simply worked from home during her illness.

    In July 2023, 81-year-old Sen. Mitch McConnell trailed off and froze mid-sentence while speaking at a lectern to the press. Aides ushered him off camera. McConnell later said, “I’m fine,” when journalists questioned him about the incident.

    Such incidents prompt the question: Can politicians be too old to serve in office? Should society make retiring at a certain age mandatory for elected officials who run the country – like presidents and senators?

    I am a philosopher and bioethicist who studies ethics related to individual and societal aging, and these questions are at the forefront of what I think about. Whatever view one takes on the ethics of age limits for politicians, voting remains the primary way to put one’s views into practice.

    Sen. John Barrasso helps Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell after he froze at the microphone on July 26, 2023.
    Drew Angerer/Getty Images

    Minuimum age requirements

    Requirements for U.S. presidential candidates haven’t changed since 1789, when the Constitution was written. In that era, the average life expectancy was about 34 years – but varied greatly for people who were slaves or free.

    Today, the life span for the average American is 79 years. But it tends to be much higher for people like politicians, who are relatively wealthy and receive good health care.

    In the U.S., a person needs to be 35 years old or older in order to be president. A person must be at least 25 years old in order to serve in the House of Representatives, while the minimum age rises slightly to 30 years old for serving in the Senate.

    A question of maximum age limits

    The U.S. banned age discrimination in workplaces in 1967.

    Should politicians who lead the country be an exception to this law?

    A 2022 YouGov poll reported that 58% of Americans want a maximum age for politicians. Those who support age limits usually say that politicians holding office should be no more than 70 years old. That would make 71% of current U.S. senators ineligible to hold office. It is unclear how age limits like that could be implemented.

    Increasingly, people everywhere will be forced to confront questions about whether a person can be too old to hold public office. People are living longer lives in the U.S., but the same is true across the world.

    U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, center, is assisted by two Democratic senators after a photo session on June 8, 2023, in Washington, D.C.
    Alex Wong/Getty Images

    Ethical arguments for age limits

    Considering age limits for high-ranking politicians poses certain ethical questions that do not have a clear answer.

    Staying in office despite health problems can threaten public safety. An American president holds immense power – including the ability to launch nuclear weapons. Members of Congress are responsible for making laws, declaring war and controlling taxes and spending.

    Defenders of mandatory retirement say older people have had their turn.

    Yet, if giving everyone a fair turn is the goal, why not cap the number of years worked? Like age limits, however, capping years would disproportionately affect older workers – and some say that’s unjustly discriminatory.

    Even without age cutoffs, age could still be a way to flag other relevant factors, like health.

    As people age, they face heightened risk of chronic disease and of having multiple chronic conditions. Chronic health problems can interfere with daily functioning and put older politicians at higher risk of performing poorly on the job –- for example, falling.

    Testing health – or, even better, job performance – is another option. Testing workers of all ages at regular intervals avoids ageist stereotypes.

    Biden undergoes an annual health screening and has been deemed “fit for duty.” Should Feinstein and McConnell be held to the same standard? That raises the thorny question, what if physicians disagree about a politician’s health and ability to remain in office?

    Ethical arguments against age limits

    Health checks differ from compulsory retirement.

    In rich Western countries, people do not retire because they can no longer work –retirement is not correlated with an actual reduction in physical or intellectual capabilities.

    Instead, people’s health tends to decline after retiring.

    Those who oppose compulsory retirement, myself included, say that mandating retirement generates ageism, or negative stereotypes based on age.

    Experts have shown that older people are diverse, and they separate biological aging – like physical wear and tear on the body – from chronological aging.

    In addition to stereotyping older people, forced retirement violates principles of equality. People equally able to perform a job deserve equal chances to continue to work, independent of factors unrelated to job performance, such as age, race or gender identity.

    Supporters of age-based retirement, meanwhile, say that this policy treats people equally over time, since all young people eventually become old. Yet others disagree, insisting that the point of equality is creating a community of equals, and discriminating against older adults falls short.

    The people decide

    People supporting a maximum age limit for the president and members of Congress have launched online signature campaigns on But these efforts would require a constitutional amendment and have not gained major traction.

    Two Republican senators also introduced an amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 2023 that would allow senators to serve only two six-year terms and Congress members to serve three two-year terms. Congress has voted down previous proposals to set term limits.

    At the state level, 16 states limit terms for legislators – but not necessarily because of age concerns. Direct age limits are under consideration in South Dakota, which will vote in 2024 on a ballot measure to amend the state’s constitution and establish an upper age limit of 80 years for congressional candidates.

    Since the government sets age minimums for Congress and the presidency, should there be maximum limits, too? This question remains open. In a democracy, we the people decide by voting. More

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    Who won the first US Republican presidential debate? An expert reviews the highlights

    The reigning champion, and undisputed winner, from the first Republican debate of presidential hopefuls? Donald Trump. Even in his absence, he was the main spectacle.

    That much was predictable. Although many tried to dance around him, every candidate had to address the “elephant not in the room”. That put Trump centre-stage, in the limelight — exactly where the 2024 Republican favourite wanted to be.

    Without Trump at a podium, it made critiques of him seem unfair, or land more softly, because he wasn’t there to defend himself. At the same time, Trump’s no-show only made him loom transcendentally larger with the Maga (make America great again) crowd that will determine the party’s nominee.

    All of this put Trump’s rivals in the same catch-22 that’s defined their seemingly futile campaigns: they can’t attack Trump because they’ll alienate the Republican base. But they can’t not attack Trump or he’ll cruise to the nomination untouched.

    No one (as yet) has solved that puzzle. So nothing from the first debate disturbed the not-so-delicate status quo: this is Trump’s race to lose.

    NBC poll on Iowans who believe last election was ‘stolen’.

    Notable moments

    While the debate did little to deflate Trump, it did have some elucidating moments. Candidates had to answer tough questions, from their opinion on a national abortion ban to Washington’s support for Ukraine.

    Yet again, perhaps the most memorable question revolved around Trump. When asked whether they would back the ex-president if he were criminally convicted, all the candidates raised their hands, save former New Jersey governor Chris Christie and former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson.

    “Someone’s got to stop normalising this conduct, OK?” Christie declared.

    The response earned Christie boos, a testament to what the polling shows: the vast majority of Republican voters – nearly eight in ten – continue to view criminal allegations against Trump as politically motivated.

    Trump’s power move

    Trump skipping the debate was the ultimate power move. It was Trump positioning himself as the inevitable Republican nominee. It was him telling voters: you have no choice. This will be a coronation, not a primary.

    That overture might rub some Republicans the wrong way. Plenty of voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, and other early primary states like the illusion that they control the destiny of presidential nominations.

    Read more:
    Nikki Haley: the ‘new generation’ candidate trying to win the Republican nomination

    But for an ex-president who’s emerged from four indictments not only unscathed, but with a roughly 35-percentage-point lead in the polls, such a message isn’t cheap talk.

    Florida governor Ron DeSantis, the early darling of the donor class, has watched his chances of out-Trumping Trump die on the vine. Few even tried to land blows on him at the debate.

    Meanwhile, other White House hopefuls, like South Carolina Senator Tim Scott and former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, seem to be vying for a vice presidential nod.

    Vivek Ramaswamy, the 38-year-old rookie politician with oratorical skills to burn, was the surprise focal point after his recent rise in the polls led to debate pile-ons. Yet his relentless defence of Trump, including his pledge to pardon him if elected, tees him up better for a cabinet post, or a 2028 run.

    For an outlier like Christie, the Trump critic (who endorsed Trump in 2016), the boos he endured were a telltale sign: he’s out of step with the GOP base.

    And then there’s former vice president Mike Pence. If it wasn’t clear before, the debate proved that he’s too Maga for moderates, and too moderate for Maga.

    Risks ahead

    Not turning up worked to Trump’s advantage in the first debate. Trump didn’t have to compete, and he still overshadowed the event.

    One question, though, is whether Trump will be in fighting form whenever the field narrows, and the Republican party coalesces around an alternative choice (if that happens). Debates tend to sharpen candidates and make them battle-tested.

    If Trump does eventually debate in the primaries, which (despite reports otherwise) he might be tempted to, the stakes will be higher. Could one stumble by Trump — or a viral moment where he’s on the short end of the stick — blunt his inexorable march to the nomination?

    Downstream, Trump has also been warned that if he doesn’t debate, Joe Biden will have an easy excuse to say he won’t debate in the general election, either. And a debate with Biden is something that the Trump team will desperately want.

    Trump blasted Biden in 2020 for running his campaign from his Delaware basement. Yet now it’s Trump who’s nowhere to be seen, except the interior of a Georgia courthouse.

    As one analysis has observed, “gambling on finding strength in indictments instead of debates” poses risks. But for now, the Republican primaries remain a Trump lovefest.

    Debates or no debates, Trump is the candidate to beat. More

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    Trump facing multiple criminal charges, investigations: 51 articles explain what you need to know

    The Conversation U.S. has commissioned more than four dozen articles relating to the various criminal investigations into the activities of former president Donald Trump before he took office, while he was in the White House in office, and since he left office.

    There are four criminal cases that have been made public. It can be hard to keep track of all the different developments in each and what they mean for the country and for democracy.

    To help you make sense of it all, here is a list of articles about each of those cases. We have also included articles on related topics, such as the potential prosecution of a former president, the importance of the rule of law to American democracy and some basics of how criminal cases are developed and prosecuted.

    Donald Trump appears in court in New York City in a courtroom sketch by Jane Rosenberg.
    Jane Rosenberg/Reuters

    Prosecuting an ex-president

    Trump is facing various criminal charges – here’s what we can learn from legal cases against Nixon and Clinton – Jan. 12, 2023.
    As charges loom over Trump, prosecutors come under fire – a criminal justice expert explains what’s at stake – Feb. 1, 2023.
    Trump’s unprecedented call for protests is the latest sign of his aim to degrade America’s institutions – March 20, 2023.
    Prosecuting a president is divisive and sometimes destabilizing – here’s why many countries do it anyway – March 31, 2023.
    How the indictment of Donald Trump is a ‘strange and different’ event for America, according to political scientists – April 4, 2023.
    Donald Trump and the dying art of the courtroom sketch – April 18, 2023.
    The presidential campaign of Convict 9653 – April 18, 2023.
    Trump’s political action committee wants a $60 million refund on paying his legal fees – 3 key things to know about PACs – Aug. 4, 2023.
    Donald Trump’s right − he is getting special treatment, far better than most other criminal defendants – Aug. 9, 2023.
    Hitler, Burr and Trump: Show trials put the record straight for history but can also provide a powerful platform for the defendant – Aug. 11, 2023.
    Trump’s free speech faces court-ordered limits, like any other defendant’s – 2 law professors explain why, and how Trump’s lawyers need to watch themselves too – Aug. 11, 2023.

    Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury.
    AP Photo/Evan Vucci

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits with his attorneys for his arraignment at the Manhattan criminal court on April 4, 2023, in New York City.
    Pool/ Getty Images News via Getty Images North America

    New York state’s charges of business records falsification

    Former President Donald Trump waves as he arrives at the Manhattan Criminal Court on April 4, 2023.
    Kena Betancur/Getty Images

    The federal indictment against Donald Trump includes photos such as this one, allegedly of boxes of documents, including classified material, stored in unsecured spaces at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and home.
    U.S. Department of Justice

    Department of Justice charges for hoarding classified documents

    Former President Donald Trump on his airplane on June 10, 2023, two days after his federal indictment.
    Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    ‘If you want to die in jail, keep talking’ – two national security law experts discuss the special treatment for Trump and offer him some advice – June 12, 2023.
    How the exposure of highly classified documents could harm US security – and why there are laws against storing them insecurely – June 14, 2023.
    Despite threats of violence, Trump’s federal indictment happened with little fanfare – but that doesn’t mean the far-right movement is fading, an extremism scholar explains – June 15, 2023.
    Trump’s trial will soon be underway in Florida – here’s why prosecutors had little choice in selecting any other courthouse location – June 21, 2023.
    Why Trump’s prosecution for keeping secret documents is lawful, constitutional, precedented, nonpartisan and merited – July 14, 2023.
    Despite calls for her to recuse herself from Trump’s criminal case, Judge Aileen Cannon’s situation doesn’t meet the standard for when a judge should step away – July 25, 2023.
    Trump faces additional charges – 4 essential reads to understand the case against him for hoarding classified documents – July 27, 2023.

    A visual of President Donald Trump is shown during the July 12, 2022, congressional hearings investigating the attack on the Capitol.
    Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    Department of Justice charges in effort to overturn the 2020 election results

    Donald Trump gestures as he arrives to make a speech on Jan. 6, 2021.
    AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

    The most serious Trump indictment yet – a criminal law scholar explains the charges of using ‘dishonesty, fraud and deceit’ to cling to power – Aug. 1, 2023.
    George Washington knew when it was time to go, unlike Trump, because the founders worried about the judgment of history – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Immunity for witnesses is a key tool of prosecutors, whether they’re charging Trump or other alleged criminals – here’s how it works and what the limits are – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Could Trump turn his politics of grievance into a get-out-of-jail card? Neither prosecution nor even jail time have prevented former leaders in Israel, Brazil and Kenya from mounting comebacks – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Trump indictment: Here’s how prosecutors will try to prove he knowingly lied and intended to break the law – Aug. 3, 2023.
    Trump may try to delay his first federal trial – it’s a common legal strategy to fend off a criminal conviction – Aug. 3, 2023.
    A brief history of the Ku Klux Klan Acts: 1870s laws to protect Black voters, ignored for decades, now being used against Trump – Aug. 4, 2023.

    Georgia charges about 2020 election interference More

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    Trump facing multiple criminal charges, investigations: 49 articles explain what you need to know

    The Conversation U.S. has commissioned more than four dozen articles relating to the various criminal investigations into the activities of former president Donald Trump before he took office, while he was in the White House in office, and since he left office.

    There are four criminal cases that have been made public. It can be hard to keep track of all the different developments in each and what they mean for the country and for democracy.

    To help you make sense of it all, here is a list of articles about each of those cases. We have also included articles on related topics, such as the potential prosecution of a former president, the importance of the rule of law to American democracy and some basics of how criminal cases are developed and prosecuted.

    Donald Trump appears in court in New York City in a courtroom sketch by Jane Rosenberg.
    Jane Rosenberg/Reuters

    Prosecuting an ex-president

    Trump is facing various criminal charges – here’s what we can learn from legal cases against Nixon and Clinton – Jan. 12, 2023.
    As charges loom over Trump, prosecutors come under fire – a criminal justice expert explains what’s at stake – Feb. 1, 2023.
    Trump’s unprecedented call for protests is the latest sign of his aim to degrade America’s institutions – March 20, 2023.
    Prosecuting a president is divisive and sometimes destabilizing – here’s why many countries do it anyway – March 31, 2023.
    How the indictment of Donald Trump is a ‘strange and different’ event for America, according to political scientists – April 4, 2023.
    Donald Trump and the dying art of the courtroom sketch – April 18, 2023.
    The presidential campaign of Convict 9653 – April 18, 2023.
    Trump’s political action committee wants a $60 million refund on paying his legal fees – 3 key things to know about PACs – Aug. 4, 2023.
    Donald Trump’s right − he is getting special treatment, far better than most other criminal defendants – Aug. 9, 2023.
    Hitler, Burr and Trump: Show trials put the record straight for history but can also provide a powerful platform for the defendant – Aug. 11, 2023.
    Trump’s free speech faces court-ordered limits, like any other defendant’s – 2 law professors explain why, and how Trump’s lawyers need to watch themselves too – Aug. 11, 2023.

    Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury.
    AP Photo/Evan Vucci

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits with his attorneys for his arraignment at the Manhattan criminal court on April 4, 2023, in New York City.
    Pool/ Getty Images News via Getty Images North America

    New York state’s charges of business records falsification

    Former President Donald Trump waves as he arrives at the Manhattan Criminal Court on April 4, 2023.
    Kena Betancur/Getty Images

    The federal indictment against Donald Trump includes photos such as this one, allegedly of boxes of documents, including classified material, stored in unsecured spaces at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and home.
    U.S. Department of Justice

    Department of Justice charges for hoarding classified documents

    Former President Donald Trump on his airplane on June 10, 2023, two days after his federal indictment.
    Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    ‘If you want to die in jail, keep talking’ – two national security law experts discuss the special treatment for Trump and offer him some advice – June 12, 2023.
    How the exposure of highly classified documents could harm US security – and why there are laws against storing them insecurely – June 14, 2023.
    Despite threats of violence, Trump’s federal indictment happened with little fanfare – but that doesn’t mean the far-right movement is fading, an extremism scholar explains – June 15, 2023.
    Trump’s trial will soon be underway in Florida – here’s why prosecutors had little choice in selecting any other courthouse location – June 21, 2023.
    Why Trump’s prosecution for keeping secret documents is lawful, constitutional, precedented, nonpartisan and merited – July 14, 2023.
    Despite calls for her to recuse herself from Trump’s criminal case, Judge Aileen Cannon’s situation doesn’t meet the standard for when a judge should step away – July 25, 2023.
    Trump faces additional charges – 4 essential reads to understand the case against him for hoarding classified documents – July 27, 2023.

    A visual of President Donald Trump is shown during the July 12, 2022, congressional hearings investigating the attack on the Capitol.
    Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    Department of Justice investigating Jan. 6 Capitol attacks

    Donald Trump gestures as he arrives to make a speech on Jan. 6, 2021.
    AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

    The most serious Trump indictment yet – a criminal law scholar explains the charges of using ‘dishonesty, fraud and deceit’ to cling to power – Aug. 1, 2023.
    George Washington knew when it was time to go, unlike Trump, because the founders worried about the judgment of history – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Immunity for witnesses is a key tool of prosecutors, whether they’re charging Trump or other alleged criminals – here’s how it works and what the limits are – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Could Trump turn his politics of grievance into a get-out-of-jail card? Neither prosecution nor even jail time have prevented former leaders in Israel, Brazil and Kenya from mounting comebacks – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Trump indictment: Here’s how prosecutors will try to prove he knowingly lied and intended to break the law – Aug. 3, 2023.
    Trump may try to delay his first federal trial – it’s a common legal strategy to fend off a criminal conviction – Aug. 3, 2023.
    A brief history of the Ku Klux Klan Acts: 1870s laws to protect Black voters, ignored for decades, now being used against Trump – Aug. 4, 2023.

    George state investigation into 2020 election interference More

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    Trump facing multiple criminal charges, investigations: 44 articles explain what you need to know

    The Conversation U.S. has commissioned more than three dozen articles relating to the various criminal investigations into the activities of former president Donald Trump before he took office, while he was in the White House in office, and since he left office.

    There are four criminal cases that have been made public. It can be hard to keep track of all the different developments in each and what they mean for the country and for democracy.

    To help you make sense of it all, here is a list of articles about each of those cases. We have also included articles on related topics, such as the potential prosecution of a former president, the importance of the rule of law to American democracy and some basics of how criminal cases are developed and prosecuted.

    Donald Trump appears in court in New York City in a courtroom sketch by Jane Rosenberg.
    Jane Rosenberg/Reuters

    Prosecuting an ex-president

    Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury.
    AP Photo/Evan Vucci

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits with his attorneys for his arraignment at the Manhattan criminal court on April 4, 2023, in New York City.
    Pool/ Getty Images News via Getty Images North America

    New York state’s charges of business records falsification

    Former President Donald Trump waves as he arrives at the Manhattan Criminal Court on April 4, 2023.
    Kena Betancur/Getty Images

    The federal indictment against Donald Trump includes photos such as this one, allegedly of boxes of documents, including classified material, stored in unsecured spaces at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and home.
    U.S. Department of Justice

    Department of Justice charges for hoarding classified documents

    Former President Donald Trump on his airplane on June 10, 2023, two days after his federal indictment.
    Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    ‘If you want to die in jail, keep talking’ – two national security law experts discuss the special treatment for Trump and offer him some advice – June 12, 2023.
    How the exposure of highly classified documents could harm US security – and why there are laws against storing them insecurely – June 14, 2023.
    Despite threats of violence, Trump’s federal indictment happened with little fanfare – but that doesn’t mean the far-right movement is fading, an extremism scholar explains – June 15, 2023.
    Trump’s trial will soon be underway in Florida – here’s why prosecutors had little choice in selecting any other courthouse location – June 21, 2023.
    Why Trump’s prosecution for keeping secret documents is lawful, constitutional, precedented, nonpartisan and merited – July 14, 2023.
    Despite calls for her to recuse herself from Trump’s criminal case, Judge Aileen Cannon’s situation doesn’t meet the standard for when a judge should step away – July 25, 2023.
    Trump faces additional charges – 4 essential reads to understand the case against him for hoarding classified documents – July 27, 2023.

    A visual of President Donald Trump is shown during the July 12, 2022, congressional hearings investigating the attack on the Capitol.
    Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    Department of Justice investigating Jan. 6 Capitol attacks

    Donald Trump gestures as he arrives to make a speech on Jan. 6, 2021.
    AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

    The most serious Trump indictment yet – a criminal law scholar explains the charges of using ‘dishonesty, fraud and deceit’ to cling to power – Aug. 1, 2023.
    George Washington knew when it was time to go, unlike Trump, because the founders worried about the judgment of history – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Immunity for witnesses is a key tool of prosecutors, whether they’re charging Trump or other alleged criminals – here’s how it works and what the limits are – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Could Trump turn his politics of grievance into a get-out-of-jail card? Neither prosecution nor even jail time have prevented former leaders in Israel, Brazil and Kenya from mounting comebacks – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Trump indictment: Here’s how prosecutors will try to prove he knowingly lied and intended to break the law – Aug. 3, 2023.
    Trump may try to delay his first federal trial – it’s a common legal strategy to fend off a criminal conviction – Aug. 3, 2023.

    George state investigation into 2020 election interference More

  • in

    Trump facing multiple criminal charges, investigations: 48 articles explain what you need to know

    The Conversation U.S. has commissioned more than three dozen articles relating to the various criminal investigations into the activities of former president Donald Trump before he took office, while he was in the White House in office, and since he left office.

    There are four criminal cases that have been made public. It can be hard to keep track of all the different developments in each and what they mean for the country and for democracy.

    To help you make sense of it all, here is a list of articles about each of those cases. We have also included articles on related topics, such as the potential prosecution of a former president, the importance of the rule of law to American democracy and some basics of how criminal cases are developed and prosecuted.

    Donald Trump appears in court in New York City in a courtroom sketch by Jane Rosenberg.
    Jane Rosenberg/Reuters

    Prosecuting an ex-president

    Trump is facing various criminal charges – here’s what we can learn from legal cases against Nixon and Clinton – Jan. 12, 2023.
    As charges loom over Trump, prosecutors come under fire – a criminal justice expert explains what’s at stake – Feb. 1, 2023.
    Trump’s unprecedented call for protests is the latest sign of his aim to degrade America’s institutions – March 20, 2023.
    Prosecuting a president is divisive and sometimes destabilizing – here’s why many countries do it anyway – March 31, 2023.
    How the indictment of Donald Trump is a ‘strange and different’ event for America, according to political scientists – April 4, 2023.
    Donald Trump and the dying art of the courtroom sketch – April 18, 2023.
    The presidential campaign of Convict 9653 – April 18, 2023.
    Trump’s political action committee wants a $60 million refund on paying his legal fees – 3 key things to know about PACs – Aug. 4, 2023.
    Donald Trump’s right − he is getting special treatment, far better than most other criminal defendants – Aug. 9, 2023.
    Hitler, Burr and Trump: Show trials put the record straight for history but can also provide a powerful platform for the defendant – Aug. 11, 2023.

    Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury.
    AP Photo/Evan Vucci

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits with his attorneys for his arraignment at the Manhattan criminal court on April 4, 2023, in New York City.
    Pool/ Getty Images News via Getty Images North America

    New York state’s charges of business records falsification

    Former President Donald Trump waves as he arrives at the Manhattan Criminal Court on April 4, 2023.
    Kena Betancur/Getty Images

    The federal indictment against Donald Trump includes photos such as this one, allegedly of boxes of documents, including classified material, stored in unsecured spaces at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and home.
    U.S. Department of Justice

    Department of Justice charges for hoarding classified documents

    Former President Donald Trump on his airplane on June 10, 2023, two days after his federal indictment.
    Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    ‘If you want to die in jail, keep talking’ – two national security law experts discuss the special treatment for Trump and offer him some advice – June 12, 2023.
    How the exposure of highly classified documents could harm US security – and why there are laws against storing them insecurely – June 14, 2023.
    Despite threats of violence, Trump’s federal indictment happened with little fanfare – but that doesn’t mean the far-right movement is fading, an extremism scholar explains – June 15, 2023.
    Trump’s trial will soon be underway in Florida – here’s why prosecutors had little choice in selecting any other courthouse location – June 21, 2023.
    Why Trump’s prosecution for keeping secret documents is lawful, constitutional, precedented, nonpartisan and merited – July 14, 2023.
    Despite calls for her to recuse herself from Trump’s criminal case, Judge Aileen Cannon’s situation doesn’t meet the standard for when a judge should step away – July 25, 2023.
    Trump faces additional charges – 4 essential reads to understand the case against him for hoarding classified documents – July 27, 2023.

    A visual of President Donald Trump is shown during the July 12, 2022, congressional hearings investigating the attack on the Capitol.
    Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    Department of Justice investigating Jan. 6 Capitol attacks

    Donald Trump gestures as he arrives to make a speech on Jan. 6, 2021.
    AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

    The most serious Trump indictment yet – a criminal law scholar explains the charges of using ‘dishonesty, fraud and deceit’ to cling to power – Aug. 1, 2023.
    George Washington knew when it was time to go, unlike Trump, because the founders worried about the judgment of history – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Immunity for witnesses is a key tool of prosecutors, whether they’re charging Trump or other alleged criminals – here’s how it works and what the limits are – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Could Trump turn his politics of grievance into a get-out-of-jail card? Neither prosecution nor even jail time have prevented former leaders in Israel, Brazil and Kenya from mounting comebacks – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Trump indictment: Here’s how prosecutors will try to prove he knowingly lied and intended to break the law – Aug. 3, 2023.
    Trump may try to delay his first federal trial – it’s a common legal strategy to fend off a criminal conviction – Aug. 3, 2023.
    A brief history of the Ku Klux Klan Acts: 1870s laws to protect Black voters, ignored for decades, now being used against Trump – Aug. 4, 2023.

    George state investigation into 2020 election interference More

  • in

    Trump facing multiple criminal charges, investigations: 40 articles explain what you need to know

    The Conversation U.S. has commissioned more than three dozen articles relating to the various criminal investigations into the activities of former president Donald Trump before he took office, while he was in the White House in office, and since he left office.

    There are four criminal cases that have been made public. It can be hard to keep track of all the different developments in each and what they mean for the country and for democracy.

    To help you make sense of it all, here is a list of articles about each of those cases. We have also included articles on related topics, such as the potential prosecution of a former president, the importance of the rule of law to American democracy and some basics of how criminal cases are developed and prosecuted.

    Donald Trump appears in court in New York City in a courtroom sketch by Jane Rosenberg.
    Jane Rosenberg/Reuters

    Prosecuting an ex-president

    Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury.
    AP Photo/Evan Vucci

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits with his attorneys for his arraignment at the Manhattan criminal court on April 4, 2023, in New York City.
    Pool/ Getty Images News via Getty Images North America

    New York state’s charges of business records falsification

    Former President Donald Trump waves as he arrives at the Manhattan Criminal Court on April 4, 2023.
    Kena Betancur/Getty Images

    The federal indictment against Donald Trump includes photos such as this one, allegedly of boxes of documents, including classified material, stored in unsecured spaces at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and home.
    U.S. Department of Justice

    Department of Justice charges for hoarding classified documents

    Former President Donald Trump on his airplane on June 10, 2023, two days after his federal indictment.
    Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    ‘If you want to die in jail, keep talking’ – two national security law experts discuss the special treatment for Trump and offer him some advice – June 12, 2023.
    How the exposure of highly classified documents could harm US security – and why there are laws against storing them insecurely – June 14, 2023.
    Despite threats of violence, Trump’s federal indictment happened with little fanfare – but that doesn’t mean the far-right movement is fading, an extremism scholar explains – June 15, 2023.
    Trump’s trial will soon be underway in Florida – here’s why prosecutors had little choice in selecting any other courthouse location – June 21, 2023.
    Why Trump’s prosecution for keeping secret documents is lawful, constitutional, precedented, nonpartisan and merited – July 14, 2023.
    Despite calls for her to recuse herself from Trump’s criminal case, Judge Aileen Cannon’s situation doesn’t meet the standard for when a judge should step away – July 25, 2023.
    Trump faces additional charges – 4 essential reads to understand the case against him for hoarding classified documents – July 27, 2023.

    A visual of President Donald Trump is shown during the July 12, 2022, congressional hearings investigating the attack on the Capitol.
    Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    Department of Justice investigating Jan. 6 Capitol attacks

    Even if Jan. 6 referrals turn into criminal charges – or convictions – Trump will still be able to run in 2024 and serve as president if elected – Dec 19, 2022.
    What the criminal referral of Trump means – a constitutional law expert explains the Jan. 6 committee action – Dec. 19, 2022.
    The Jan. 6 committee makes its case against Trump, his allies and their conspiracy to commit an insurrection: Five essential reads – Dec. 20, 2022.
    Targeting Trump for prosecution – 4 essential reads on how the Jan. 6 investigation laid the groundwork for the special counsel – July 18, 2023.
    What is a target letter? 3 things to know about how the Justice Department notifies suspects, like Donald Trump, ahead of possible charges – July 18, 2023.
    Trump indicted in Jan. 6 case – but his 3 upcoming trials may not keep him off the campaign trail – Aug. 1, 2023.
    The most serious Trump indictment yet – a criminal law scholar explains the charges of using ‘dishonesty, fraud and deceit’ to cling to power – Aug. 1, 2023.
    George Washington knew when it was time to go, unlike Trump, because the founders worried about the judgment of history – Aug. 2, 2023.

    George state investigation into 2020 election interference More

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    Trump facing multiple criminal charges, investigations: 47 articles explain what you need to know

    The Conversation U.S. has commissioned more than three dozen articles relating to the various criminal investigations into the activities of former president Donald Trump before he took office, while he was in the White House in office, and since he left office.

    There are four criminal cases that have been made public. It can be hard to keep track of all the different developments in each and what they mean for the country and for democracy.

    To help you make sense of it all, here is a list of articles about each of those cases. We have also included articles on related topics, such as the potential prosecution of a former president, the importance of the rule of law to American democracy and some basics of how criminal cases are developed and prosecuted.

    Donald Trump appears in court in New York City in a courtroom sketch by Jane Rosenberg.
    Jane Rosenberg/Reuters

    Prosecuting an ex-president

    Trump is facing various criminal charges – here’s what we can learn from legal cases against Nixon and Clinton – Jan. 12, 2023.
    As charges loom over Trump, prosecutors come under fire – a criminal justice expert explains what’s at stake – Feb. 1, 2023.
    Trump’s unprecedented call for protests is the latest sign of his aim to degrade America’s institutions – March 20, 2023.
    Prosecuting a president is divisive and sometimes destabilizing – here’s why many countries do it anyway – March 31, 2023.
    How the indictment of Donald Trump is a ‘strange and different’ event for America, according to political scientists – April 4, 2023.
    Donald Trump and the dying art of the courtroom sketch – April 18, 2023.
    The presidential campaign of Convict 9653 – April 18, 2023.
    Trump’s political action committee wants a $60 million refund on paying his legal fees – 3 key things to know about PACs – Aug. 4, 2023.
    Donald Trump’s right − he is getting special treatment, far better than most other criminal defendants – Aug. 9, 2023.

    Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan grand jury.
    AP Photo/Evan Vucci

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits with his attorneys for his arraignment at the Manhattan criminal court on April 4, 2023, in New York City.
    Pool/ Getty Images News via Getty Images North America

    New York state’s charges of business records falsification

    Former President Donald Trump waves as he arrives at the Manhattan Criminal Court on April 4, 2023.
    Kena Betancur/Getty Images

    The federal indictment against Donald Trump includes photos such as this one, allegedly of boxes of documents, including classified material, stored in unsecured spaces at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort and home.
    U.S. Department of Justice

    Department of Justice charges for hoarding classified documents

    Former President Donald Trump on his airplane on June 10, 2023, two days after his federal indictment.
    Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    ‘If you want to die in jail, keep talking’ – two national security law experts discuss the special treatment for Trump and offer him some advice – June 12, 2023.
    How the exposure of highly classified documents could harm US security – and why there are laws against storing them insecurely – June 14, 2023.
    Despite threats of violence, Trump’s federal indictment happened with little fanfare – but that doesn’t mean the far-right movement is fading, an extremism scholar explains – June 15, 2023.
    Trump’s trial will soon be underway in Florida – here’s why prosecutors had little choice in selecting any other courthouse location – June 21, 2023.
    Why Trump’s prosecution for keeping secret documents is lawful, constitutional, precedented, nonpartisan and merited – July 14, 2023.
    Despite calls for her to recuse herself from Trump’s criminal case, Judge Aileen Cannon’s situation doesn’t meet the standard for when a judge should step away – July 25, 2023.
    Trump faces additional charges – 4 essential reads to understand the case against him for hoarding classified documents – July 27, 2023.

    A visual of President Donald Trump is shown during the July 12, 2022, congressional hearings investigating the attack on the Capitol.
    Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    Department of Justice investigating Jan. 6 Capitol attacks

    Donald Trump gestures as he arrives to make a speech on Jan. 6, 2021.
    AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

    The most serious Trump indictment yet – a criminal law scholar explains the charges of using ‘dishonesty, fraud and deceit’ to cling to power – Aug. 1, 2023.
    George Washington knew when it was time to go, unlike Trump, because the founders worried about the judgment of history – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Immunity for witnesses is a key tool of prosecutors, whether they’re charging Trump or other alleged criminals – here’s how it works and what the limits are – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Could Trump turn his politics of grievance into a get-out-of-jail card? Neither prosecution nor even jail time have prevented former leaders in Israel, Brazil and Kenya from mounting comebacks – Aug. 2, 2023.
    Trump indictment: Here’s how prosecutors will try to prove he knowingly lied and intended to break the law – Aug. 3, 2023.
    Trump may try to delay his first federal trial – it’s a common legal strategy to fend off a criminal conviction – Aug. 3, 2023.
    A brief history of the Ku Klux Klan Acts: 1870s laws to protect Black voters, ignored for decades, now being used against Trump – Aug. 4, 2023.

    George state investigation into 2020 election interference More