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    Is Turkey About to Become a Drone Superpower?

    Wars and armed conflicts change the course of history and drive technological progress. This is particularly true when it comes to the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and their combat use. Following 9/11 and Washington’s declaration of war on international terrorism, reliance on UAVs for intelligence gathering and reconnaissance reached a qualitatively new level. […] More

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    COVID-19: What Indonesia Can Learn From South Korea and Taiwan

    As the coronavirus spreads fast in Indonesia, experts believe that the country will become Asia’s new epicenter. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has been criticized for not implementing a nationwide lockdown. Yet such measures would not be a silver bullet to contain COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. Other countries such as South Korea […] More

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    Settling Nothing, Biden’s Vehement Denial Unsettles the Election

    On May 1, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski conducted a lengthy interview with Joe Biden concerning the allegation by a former staffer of sexual assault. The Associated Press reported that the presumptive Democratic candidate for president “vehemently denied Tara Reade’s allegations.” Stacey Abrams Masters Her Talking Points READ MORE Business Insider’s description of the interview also uses […] More

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    Brexit Is Heading for the Cliff Edge

    The European Union’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, gave a stark warning recently about the lack of progress in the post-Brexit negotiations with the United Kingdom. But now, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has come back to work after his battle with COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. The Brexit Transition Period Will Be […] More

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    The UAE Ups Its Game in Yemen and Libya

    While one should not leap to conclusions too hastily, there are some interesting parallels between what is happening now in Yemen and what happened a little over a year ago in Libya. In both countries, efforts at peace talks have been upturned by events on the ground. And while it is also true that one should […] More

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    Narendra Modi Is Fighting COVID-19 With Little Logic

    On April 5, India responded to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call to light earthen lamps for nine minutes at 9 pm. Earlier on March 19, he appealed for a 14-hour “people’s curfew” three days later. On March 25, Modi imposed a national lockdown over 1.3 billion people, the biggest such exercise in the world. Bringing […] More

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    Joe Biden’s War on Frivolity

    The Democratic Party establishment and the Joe Biden campaign are busy building the vocabulary of their electoral newspeak to guide voters’ moral thinking. The word of the month, used to describe the behavior or thinking of opponents, is “frivolous.” The latest example concerns President Donald Trump’s controversial, audacious and downright provocative transfer of the US […] More