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    Doubtful Information on What Is Doubtless Disinformation

    New York Times journalist Lisa Lerer may see herself as US media’s top expert on the phenomenon of disinformation, which includes fake news. Even before Donald Trump’s inauguration, in December 2016, she was among the first to promote Hillary Clinton’s delirious ravings accusing Russia’s President Vladimir Putin of directing Trump’s 2016 campaign because, in Clinton’s […] More

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    Bernie Sanders Is Connecting With Us

    In politics, as in life, there is a major distinction between “I” and “we.” And because “you” can be both singular and plural, the gulf between “I” and “we” is often glossed over without a mention. However, it is time that America took stock of what it is doing to its national character by so often ignoring […] More

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    The Downward Spiral of Angela Merkel’s CDU

    On February 23, Hamburg’s voters were called upon to elect a new parliament. Hamburg is Germany’s second-largest city and its most important port. But, for historical reasons, it is also one of Germany’s 16 Länder, and one of three city-states (the other two are Berlin and Bremen), that compose the Federal Republic. The Social Democrats […] More

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    Can a Candidate Who Isn’t Delectable Be Electable?

    When a journalist asked Joe Biden on the day of the Nevada caucuses how he could slow down Bernie Sanders’ electoral momentum, Biden replied: “I beat him by going to — just moving on. People want to know who’s the most likely to beat Donald Trump.” Chris Cillizza at CNN, sensing that the argument Democrats […] More

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    Will a Struggling Global Economy Survive the Coronavirus?

    On February 24, the World Health Organization declared that the world should prepare for a possible coronavirus pandemic. Outbreaks in South Korea, Iran and Italy have caused alarm. Clearly, the virus has traveled widely and rapidly. Authorities have canceled concerts, carnivals and football matches as well as closed schools, imposed curfews and restricted travel. Despite […] More

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    The Democratic Party Goes to War With Its Voters

    The news channel MSNBC has never veered from its commitment to being the public propaganda arm of the Democratic Party’s sophisticated and deftly camouflaged management infrastructure. The news outlet casts itself as the voice of middle-of-the-road reason, always ready to denounce the principal source of evil in the universe, the nefarious Putin-Trump alliance, while bravely […] More

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    China’s Influence Dampens International Response to Coronavirus Outbreak

    China has not exactly had difficulty projecting its power within the existing system of multilateral organizations. A Chinese national is now in charge of four of the 15 specialized agencies of the United Nations: the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the UN Industrial Development Organization and the International Telecommunication Union. By […] More