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    What If the Next Pandemic Is Targeted?

    The novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 has opened the floodgates of shame and blame. This has been specifically aimed at politicians for their lack of preparation and insistence on spreading misinformation in the form of wishful thinking before changing their tune by acknowledging the true extent of the problem and ultimately pushing the panic button. […] More

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    The Guardian view on the politics of generosity: gifts with price tags | Editorial

    The Guardian view on the politics of generosity: gifts with price tags Editorial China’s supplies of medical goods have been greeted with cynicism as well as gratitude Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage President Xi Jinping (centre left) and other Chinese leaders stand during national mourning for victims of coronavirus in Beijing […] More

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    We Need a Coronavirus Truce

    During World War I, soldiers all along the Western front held a series of informal truces in December 1914 to commemorate Christmas. It was early in the war, and opposition had not yet hardened into implacable enmity. The military command, caught by surprise, could not impose complete battlefield discipline. An estimated 100,000 British and German […] More

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    How MAGA Sunk the United States

    Donald Trump was elected in 2016 on his promise to “Make America Great Again.” Four years later, he presides over a country that would be the laughing stock of the world if the situation were not so dire. The greatest country in the world apparently cannot provide its citizens with toilet paper, is running out […] More

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    What the Coronavirus Says About Us

    A crisis, according to self-help and leadership books, reveals much about a person’s character. The same can be said of a nation’s character. Since the latest pandemic began to spread out of China in 2020, countries responded in very different ways to the challenge. There was ingenuity, inflexibility, incomprehension and sheer incompetence. Diversity can be […] More

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    Chinese Ambitions for Latin America: What’s the Trade-Off?

    As the global COVID-19 pandemic engulfs the world, the grand strategy of revisionist powers will either falter or accelerate. At the dawn of the post-coronavirus world — whenever it might come — the Chinese Communist Party will push forward with its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which will threaten to further marginalize the role of […] More

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    COVID-19: What Italy and the US Are Doing Wrong

    With the COVID-19 outbreak unfolding worldwide, with around 35,000 cases confirmed outside China to date, it is possible to attempt a preliminary analysis of the politics of coronavirus and the efficiency of policies adopted by national governments and international bodies. Unfortunately, the measures seen so far have not always displayed the degree of leadership, responsiveness […] More