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    Democrats Erase Bernie Sanders’ Name in New York

    The Democratic Party in the US has once again undertaken its mission to remove the biggest obstacle to achieving the promise of efficiency in democratic government. It consists of preventing people — in this case, its own voters — from having a voice in democracy. Can America’s Progressive Movement Thrive Without Bernie Sanders? READ MORE […] More

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    Bernie Leaves a Path Behind Him

    Senator Bernie Sanders is no longer a candidate for president. Five years of drama have now come to a close. Or have they? To all appearances, Sanders bowed to pressure, from inside and outside his Democratic primary campaign. He has accepted the inevitable: Joe Biden’s victory and his elimination. Or has he? It may depend […] More

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    Emmanuel Macron Rallies Around Bernie to Save France

    Watching French President Emmanuel Macron’s address to the nation on March 12, I couldn’t avoid admiring the skill with which he deployed two supremely engineered strategic themes. After drawing attention to the importance of a concerted European response to the pandemic, he insisted that the French government would not only bypass the interests of the […] More

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    CNN and the Art of Overstatement

    After echoing a report leaked by The Washington Post a day before the Nevada caucuses claiming that an intelligence briefing a month earlier had informed members of Congress that Russia was once again interfering in US elections to get President Donald Trump reelected, CNN made an effort to find out what was behind the story. […] More

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    Bernie Sanders Is Connecting With Us

    In politics, as in life, there is a major distinction between “I” and “we.” And because “you” can be both singular and plural, the gulf between “I” and “we” is often glossed over without a mention. However, it is time that America took stock of what it is doing to its national character by so often ignoring […] More

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    Can the Democratic Party Unite Behind Bernie Sanders?

    The Washington Post has published an AP-sourced article about Democratic candidates across the nation who are freaking out about the idea of Bernie Sanders becoming the Democratic standard-bearer in the November election. The various corporate media in the US are awash with pundits warning about the impending socialist takeover of capitalist America if Sanders is […] More

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    You Can’t Teach an Old Donkey New Tricks

    Not so long ago, John Kerry was the Democrats’ presidential candidate. Although he emphatically denies it, he appears ready — in case of an emergency — to have another go. Why would he do so? The reason should now be obvious. So obvious, in fact, that he explained it to a friend on a phone […] More