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    Testing America’s National Character

    I hope that Americans who want to believe in the promise of their nation have paid attention to the presidential impeachment trial. I hope that those in the international community still clinging to the hope that America will finally live up to its promise have paid attention to the presidential impeachment trial. We all know the […] More

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    The New York Times Sees Double

    The New York Times’ daring innovation of endorsing two candidates in the Democratic presidential primary has provoked a flurry of comments in the media. The verdict on The NYT’s verdict has been resoundingly negative. For many, it confirms that The New York Times has abandoned its presumed position of leadership. Some see it as a […] More

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    At the Democratic Debate, CNN Magnifies the Rumors

    Everyone knows that elections in the US are not occasions for exploring and clarifying issues and policies, but something more similar to a sporting event between competing athletes. All media outlets know this, but none practice it with greater conviction than CNN. During the Democratic presidential debate on January 14, in a bizarre line of […] More

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    Can Sanders or Warren Clinch the Democratic Nomination?

    The Democrats have been trudging along this presidential primary as though this were any normal election and the usual rules of politics during the primary nomination phase apply in 2020 as well. On the heels of being impeached by the House of Representatives, President Donald Trump launched a drone strike killing an Iranian general, Qassem […] More