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    CNN and the Art of Overstatement

    After echoing a report leaked by The Washington Post a day before the Nevada caucuses claiming that an intelligence briefing a month earlier had informed members of Congress that Russia was once again interfering in US elections to get President Donald Trump reelected, CNN made an effort to find out what was behind the story. […] More

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    Bernie Sanders Is Connecting With Us

    In politics, as in life, there is a major distinction between “I” and “we.” And because “you” can be both singular and plural, the gulf between “I” and “we” is often glossed over without a mention. However, it is time that America took stock of what it is doing to its national character by so often ignoring […] More

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    The Democratic Party Goes to War With Its Voters

    The news channel MSNBC has never veered from its commitment to being the public propaganda arm of the Democratic Party’s sophisticated and deftly camouflaged management infrastructure. The news outlet casts itself as the voice of middle-of-the-road reason, always ready to denounce the principal source of evil in the universe, the nefarious Putin-Trump alliance, while bravely […] More

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    The Tragedy of Joe Biden: The Power Behind the Power

    Expected to be the leading Democratic candidate for president, it has now been confirmed that, according to the nearly complete reported results, former Vice President Joe Biden has landed with a thud in a “distant fourth place.” For the past year, he had been cast in the role of the candidate pre-ordained by the party […] More

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    Can Sanders or Warren Clinch the Democratic Nomination?

    The Democrats have been trudging along this presidential primary as though this were any normal election and the usual rules of politics during the primary nomination phase apply in 2020 as well. On the heels of being impeached by the House of Representatives, President Donald Trump launched a drone strike killing an Iranian general, Qassem […] More