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    Turkey Joins the Scramble for the Middle East

    There was a time, not so long ago, when the idea of Turkish troops placing their boots on non-Turkish soil was almost unthinkable. Turkey might bomb Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions in Iraq, Turkish aircraft might skirmish occasionally with Greek counterparts, but no one got their boots muddy. All that has changed. The Turkish Republic […] More

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    Jeff Bezos to the Planet’s Rescue

    Jeff Bezos has apparently realized that for his customers to retain the level of disposable income required to ensure their continued capacity to order goods from Amazon, their survival might be a critical factor. Not everyone can spend $165 million on a residence that will never suffer from a lack of water or be threatened […] More

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    Bloomberg Pays the Piper, the Media Plays the Tune

    The Democratic presidential primary contests are now turning into aggravated hyperreality. It has suddenly turned into a three-way battle between anti-billionaires, a billionaire and a group of billionaire devotees. The panicked party’s nagging doubts about its capacity to win an election against incumbent Donald Trump have erased from nearly everyone’s thoughts the question of what […] More

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    Foreign Fighters and the Global War for White Supremacy

    A 1975 article in British Patriot magazine tells the story of John Coey, a 24-year-old college graduate from Ohio who was killed fighting for the continuation of white supremacy in the unrecognized state of Rhodesia. A member of the National Socialist White People’s Party (previously American Nazi Party), Coey had long been engaged in extremist […] More

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    Is Twitter Killing the Written Word?

    If Donald Trump had anything in common with a poet, it would be Homer. Homer was a pre-literate poet from Ancient Greece, while Trump is a post-literate US president who prefers to be briefed orally, gets his news from television and boasts that he likes to read as little as possible. Homer refers to speech […] More

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    Can the Democratic Party Unite Behind Bernie Sanders?

    The Washington Post has published an AP-sourced article about Democratic candidates across the nation who are freaking out about the idea of Bernie Sanders becoming the Democratic standard-bearer in the November election. The various corporate media in the US are awash with pundits warning about the impending socialist takeover of capitalist America if Sanders is […] More

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    Boris Johnson’s Bridge Over Troubled Waters

    Business Insider reminds its readers about Boris Johnson’s incredible plan to physically unite Scotland and Northern Ireland by building a 22-mile bridge between them. The article bears the title, “Boris Johnson is deadly serious about building a £20 billion bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland, which one engineer described as being ‘as feasible as building […] More

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    Responding to the Resurgent Radical Right

    Since the diminishing of the British National Party (BNP), there has been a lack of political representation of the extreme right in the UK. The consequence of this has been an increase in street-based activity by non-political organizations like the English Defence League (EDL), Britain First, PEGIDA and the Football Lads Alliance. These groups have […] More