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    US Culture’s Unavowed Love Affair With Destruction

    The death of George Floyd while in police custody was so gut-wrenching to watch for most Americans that it set off what has begun to resemble a cultural and possibly political revolution. The spectacle videoed by a bystander was the closest thing to a Roman crucifixion modern society has managed to produce outside of Hollywood. […] More

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    Sweden Leads the Way on Uighur Rights

    Article 1 of the UN Refugee Convention defines a refugee as “someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.” In 2019, the Swedish Migration Agency recognized that […] More

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    The Brazilian Right’s Fight Against Its Leftist Boogeyman

    The late Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (1921-1997) was a prominent figure in the 20th-century critical pedagogy movement and the celebrated author of the ground-breaking 1968 text, “Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” Freire’s seminal work proposes a dialogical method of teaching literacy that nurtures conscientização — critical consciousness — and encourages participation in political struggles. According to a […] More

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    Democrats and Americans Fall to Their Knees

    One of the most spectacular shifts of cultural perception currently taking place in the US concerns the symbolic status of the gesture of kneeling. Deemed provocative and unpatriotic only a few months ago by a majority of Americans, prominent people have begun using it as a proof of commitment to their anti-racist commitment to equality. […] More

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    Remembering Germany’s Dark Colonial History

    Germany is the great latecomer in Western Europe. For much of its history, Germany was a territorial space occupied by dozens of autonomous political entities — kingdoms, principalities, duchies, margraviates, free cities. It was not until 1870 that Germany was united. By then, the world had largely been divided among Europe’s great powers. The German Empire […] More

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    Refugees Build Bridges Across Society

    While celebrating the contribution of refugees, we must acknowledge the importance of all who are driven from their homelands not only by fear and terror, but also by desperate need. Human bridges and personal connections have been built by great movements across the globe as people escape war and persecution, hunger both for food and […] More

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    COVID-19 Puts the Brakes on the “World’s Fastest City”

    Dubai — memorably called the world’s fastest city by author and analyst Jim Krane — was already traveling in the slow lane when COVID-19 arrived. The Gulf city-state is one of seven that make up the United Arab Emirates. It had survived the crash of 2009 and thrived anew on tourism, transportation, financial and property markets. However, […] More

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    Emmanuel Macron’s Campaign to Stifle Debate in France

    On May 25, hours before George Floyd was killed in the US for all the world to watch, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner reacted to the public accusation by a celebrity that the French police were racist and capable of brutality in the execution of their duties.  Hospitals Once Offered Charity — Now They Demand […] More