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    How the US Government Failed to Prepare for a Pandemic

    The response to the COVID-19 crisis by both President Donald Trump and his administration has been abysmal, crafting a narrative that has revealed a warped reality based on a combination of ignorance, delusion, denial and a lack of preparedness. Trump has displayed utter ignorance, especially in the early days of the outbreak in America, stating […] More

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    Donald Trump and the “Miracle Cure” for Coronavirus

    Over the past few weeks, US President Donald Trump has been urging Americans to take hydroxychloroquine, which he touts as a “miracle cure” for the coronavirus known as COVID-19. Intrigued by the persistence of Trump’s claim, The Guardian has sought to uncover the origin of his apparent fixation on this exotic molecule currently used for […] More

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    Will the COVID-19 Crisis Be a Wake-Up Call for Honduras’ Political Class?

    The countries in Central America’s Northern Triangle — Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala — do not have the public health infrastructure necessary to overcome the challenges of a pandemic. That is why these countries, which are used to seeing significant migratory transit, quickly shut their borders as the COVID-19 contagion gained steam in Latin America. […] More

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    Labour’s New Safe Pair of Electable Hands

    Like many of the leaders of developed nations, Boris Johnson has been struggling to assert his leadership role in the thankless combat against the current scourge of humanity: a particularly aggressive infectious disease that has now landed even the prime minister himself in hospital. Boris has welcomed on the scene a knight of the realm, […] More

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    Can a Cuban Become the Next US President?

    Among the various thinkers, pundits, armchair philosophers and public commentators on what the world and our civilization will look life when our quarantined domestic life and social distancing are no longer required by law, the financial press and some of the popular media routinely turn for guidance to Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the […] More

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    We Need a Coronavirus Truce

    During World War I, soldiers all along the Western front held a series of informal truces in December 1914 to commemorate Christmas. It was early in the war, and opposition had not yet hardened into implacable enmity. The military command, caught by surprise, could not impose complete battlefield discipline. An estimated 100,000 British and German […] More

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    Trump Administration Tries to Rewrite History

    There once was a state called the Soviet Union. It included places as wide-ranging as Lithuania (now part of the European Union), Kazakhstan (part of Europe as far as EUFA is concerned) and Kyrgyzstan (definitely not part of Europe). It was an intricate part of what was known as the Cold War, which pitted it, […] More