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    Second Republican senator says there should be no supreme court vote before election

    Alaska Republican senator Lisa Murkowski said on Sunday she would not support efforts to confirm Donald Trump’s third supreme court pick before the presidential election on 3 November. The move came a day after Susan Collins of Maine, another Republican moderate, took the same position.Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell can now afford to lose only one more senator if he is to achieve his aim of tilting the court firmly to the right for a generation or more.Thanks to reforms initiated by Democrats in 2013 but completed by Republicans in 2017, a simple Senate majority is required to confirm a supreme court justice.Murkowski and Collins’ statements mean that if no Democrats or independents come over to the Republican side, McConnell can count on a win by 51 votes to 49. He could afford to lose one more senator, as Vice-President Mike Pence would break any tie.The Senate majority leader is looking to hold a vote before election day – or even in the lame duck period after the election and before the next presidential inauguration, on 20 January, even if Democrats take the White House and the Senate.A seat on the nine-member court fell open with the death on Friday night of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, of pancreatic cancer and at the age of 87.We need to begin thinking about the credibility and integrity of our institutionsLisa Murkowski – in 2018Trump has already named Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the court, but they were conservatives who replaced conservatives. A rightwing replacement for Ginsburg, a heroine to liberals, would weight the court 6-3 in favour of conservatives.Ginsburg’s family said the justice had wished not to be replaced before the election, which is less than 50 days away and for which some states have begun early voting.McConnell immediately disregarded that wish, vowing to advance a Trump nominee.His opponents immediately cried foul, over McConnell’s refusal in in 2016 to sanction even a hearing for Merrick Garland, Barack Obama’s nominee to replace Antonin Scalia, who died in February that year. McConnell argued then that a vacancy should not be filled in the final year of a presidency.On Saturday, Collins said she did not support moves to vote on any nominee before an election. That evening, Trump told a rally in North Carolina he would nominate a woman, promising to reveal the name in the coming days.Murkowski had already indicated her opposition to a vote so close to the election. In a statement on Sunday, she made it official.“For weeks,” she said, “I have stated that I would not support taking up a potential supreme court vacancy this close to the election. Sadly, what was then a hypothetical is now our reality, but my position has not changed.“I did not support taking up a nomination eight months before the 2016 election to fill the vacancy created by the passing of Justice Scalia. We are now even closer to the 2020 election – less than two months out – and I believe the same standard must apply.”Republicans insist the Garland precedent does not apply, because their party holds both the Senate and the White House. But there is no constitutional provision which says a president and Senate of different parties cannot confirm a justice. Clarence Thomas, a staunch conservative on the current court, was the last justice confirmed by a Senate held by the party opposing the president.If the Democratic candidate Mark Kelly wins a special election in Arizona, he could be seated by 30 November, producing a tie if a vote has not already been held.More immediately, Republicans either vulnerable to re-election defeat, like Collins, or less likely to toe the Trumpist line than most, like Murkowksi, are being watched closely.Cory Gardner of Colorado is struggling in his re-election race, while Thom Tillis is in a tight fight in North Carolina.Lamar Alexander of Tennessee is both relatively collegially minded and retiring, so relatively free of pressure.Mitt Romney of Utah is a former presidential candidate with one eye on his place in history, the son of a governor who cited his father, his conscience and fidelity to the constitution when he became the sole Republican to vote for Trump’s impeachment. More

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    Arizona race could give Democrats extra Senate seat for supreme court fight

    If he wins a US Senate seat in Arizona, the former astronaut Mark Kelly could take office as early as 30 November, an outcome which might jeopardize the launch of Donald Trump’s third supreme court nominee. The Democratic candidate has maintained a polling lead over the Republican Martha McSally, who was appointed to the seat held by John McCain, who died in 2018. Because the contest is a special election to finish McCain’s term, the winner could be sworn in as soon as the results are certified. Other winners in November’s contest, in which Democrats hope to retake the Senate, will not take office until January. Trump has pledged to nominate a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on Friday, and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has vowed that the nominee “will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate”.If Kelly wins, when he takes office could be crucial in deciding the ensuing nomination fight. Republicans currently hold the chamber by 53 seats to 47. The prospect of falling to 52 could prompt McConnell to speed up the nomination process. With McSally in the Senate, four defections would defeat a nomination. A tie vote could be broken by Vice-President Mike Pence. Within hours of the announcement of Ginsberg’s death, McSally declared that “this US Senate should vote on President Trump’s next nominee for the US supreme court”. She has not elaborated on whether the vote should come before or after the election. But she highlighted the renewed stakes of her race in a fundraising pitch on Saturday. “If Mark Kelly comes out on top, HE could block President Trump’s supreme court Nominee from being confirmed,” McSally wrote. In the 2018 midterms, Democrats found success in Arizona, long dominated by the GOP, by appealing to Republicans and independents disaffected with Trump. The supreme court vacancy could boost McSally by keeping those voters in her camp. Kelly said late on Saturday: “The people elected to the presidency and Senate in November should fill this vacancy. When it comes to making a lifetime appointment to the supreme court, Washington shouldn’t rush that process for political purposes.” Arizona law requires election results to be certified on the fourth Monday after the election, which falls this year on 30 November. The certification could be delayed up to three days if the state has not received election results from any of its 15 counties. Mary O’Grady, a Democratic lawyer, said the deadlines are firm. “I don’t see ambiguity here,” said O’Grady, Arizona’s solicitor general under two Democratic attorneys general, adding that state law allows recounts and election challenges only under very limited circumstances. Former Senate historian Don Ritchie told the Arizona Republic, which first reported on the prospect for Kelly taking office early a day before Ginsburg’s death: “Usually, the secretary of the Senate’s office goes out of its way to accommodate the new senators coming in.“The old senator is out of their office there. I mean, they actually literally put a lock on the door so their staff can’t go in.” More

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    'I will fight!': mourners' vow at supreme court vigil for Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    On a pavement across the street from the supreme court, school teacher Amanda Stafford chalked the words carefully: “That’s the dissenter’s hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow.”It was a quotation from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a justice more renowned for her dissents than her majority opinions, including on the Bush v Gore case that decided the 2000 presidential election. Ginsburg died from pancreatic cancer on Friday aged 87, the newest jolt to an angry, divided and fragile nation.On Saturday night, as summer succumbed to the chill of autumn, thousands came to mourn her at a vigil outside the court in Washington. Some made speeches. Others sang songs. More joined hands or laid flowers and candles. Stafford paid tribute in chalk.“I wanted to show words that are empowering at a time when a lot of people are feeling worn out,” the 31-year-old from Alexandria, Virginia, explained. “As a woman in a country getting ever more divided, it’s important to come out and make a stand for someone who made this her life’s work.”What is the state of American democracy that one single woman passing away feels like a harbinger of hopelessness?Amanda StaffordLike many others, including numerous mothers and daughters, Stafford was hit hard by the loss of the feminist lodestar.“I broke down crying and went to sit in a park, sobbing. I called my closest girlfriends and we cried together. What is the state of American democracy that one single woman passing away feels like a harbinger of hopelessness? We’re already in a pandemic and losing her felt like the end.”Stafford’s homage was one of many outside the court, built in the 1930s in classical style to project the full majesty of the law, its 16 marble columns illuminated as two US flags flew at half mast. “RIP RGB,” said one banner in the rainbow colours of the LGBTQ movement. “For my daughter,” said another, simply.“Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time – Ruth Bader Ginsburg” was written on cardboard sign amid a sea of pictures, candles and flowers. “She kept theology off our biology” was among the acknowledgements of Ginsburg’s support for reproductive rights. More