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    Vladimir Putin Keeps a Tight Grip on Power

    Since the beginning of 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s popularity has dropped to its lowest point in 14 years. From February to March, Putin’s favorability dropped from 69% to 63%, and his disapproval ratings rose from 30% to 36%. While the Russian president continues to have a net favorability among his citizens, the declining numbers […] More

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    How Raytheon Runs US Foreign Policy

    In 2017, US President Donald Trump’s new administration found itself in a quandary. Should it continue providing weapons for use in Saudi Arabia’s murderous war in Yemen that had been raging for two years? In June 2017, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman unexpectedly declared neighboring Qatar an enemy and imposed a blockade. It even […] More

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    Should We Reopen the Economy?

    Welcome to “Chewing the Fat,” our weekly talk show here at WXYZ. Today, we have a special treat for you: two guests who will answer the question on everyone’s mind. Should we stay at home in virtual quarantine or should we head out the front door and reopen the economy? The coronavirus pandemic is still claiming lives, nearly […] More

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    The Worst President at the Worst Time

    A “perfect storm” is an overused expression that often describes what happens when a whole lot of things go wrong at the same time to create a disastrous situation or outcome.* Welcome to America in the time of the coronavirus pandemic. If it is possible to have a tsunami of perfect storms, the response of Trump […] More

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    Mexico’s President Shockingly Calls The NY Times Neoliberal

    After Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (known as AMLO) accused The New York Times of a lack of ethics when it published an article claiming that his government was underreporting the number of coronavirus deaths, Mexico News Daily found a subtle way of defending The Times. It did so not by confirming the contested […] More

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    COVID-19 Will Have Long-Lasting Effects on Migration

    A dangerous cycle for immigrants has begun. On April 20, President Donald Trump announced that he would sign an executive order to temporarily halt immigration into the United States in order to curb the spread of COVID-19. As of April 1, 90% of the world’s population already resided in a country that implemented at least […] More

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    The Colorful World of Coronavirus Conspiracies

    A few days ago, thousands of demonstrators gathered in a number of German cities, ignoring government restrictions and guidelines regarding social distancing or the wearing of protective face masks. Among the demonstrators were many ordinary citizens, but also extremists from both sides of the political spectrum, conspiracy theorists, and members of the radical right-wing populist […] More

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    Mike Pompeo’s Art of Indirect Involvement in Venezuela

    Two American men have been detained by the Venezuelan military following “a botched beach landing in the fishing village of Chuao,” the Associated Press reports. They were reportedly attempting to invade Venezuela and capture President Nicolas Maduro, apparently as a prelude to installing America’s favorite unelected president, Juan Guaido, as the new head of state. Both […] More