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    The BJP Rejects the Idea of a Hindu Rashtra

    Since December 2019, India has witnessed a series of protests against the new Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the government’s decision to create a National Register of Citizens (NRC). The CAA proposes to give fast-track citizenship to religious minorities of three neighboring countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. However, it blatantly excludes Muslims while failing to […] More

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    Will the COVID-19 Crisis Be a Wake-Up Call for Honduras’ Political Class?

    The countries in Central America’s Northern Triangle — Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala — do not have the public health infrastructure necessary to overcome the challenges of a pandemic. That is why these countries, which are used to seeing significant migratory transit, quickly shut their borders as the COVID-19 contagion gained steam in Latin America. […] More

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    Labour’s New Safe Pair of Electable Hands

    Like many of the leaders of developed nations, Boris Johnson has been struggling to assert his leadership role in the thankless combat against the current scourge of humanity: a particularly aggressive infectious disease that has now landed even the prime minister himself in hospital. Boris has welcomed on the scene a knight of the realm, […] More

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    Can a Cuban Become the Next US President?

    Among the various thinkers, pundits, armchair philosophers and public commentators on what the world and our civilization will look life when our quarantined domestic life and social distancing are no longer required by law, the financial press and some of the popular media routinely turn for guidance to Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the […] More

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    Trump Administration Tries to Rewrite History

    There once was a state called the Soviet Union. It included places as wide-ranging as Lithuania (now part of the European Union), Kazakhstan (part of Europe as far as EUFA is concerned) and Kyrgyzstan (definitely not part of Europe). It was an intricate part of what was known as the Cold War, which pitted it, […] More

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    Democracy Didn’t Need COVID-19 to Begin Its Decline

    Middle East Monitor features an article by American-Palestinian journalist Ramzy Baroud, who celebrates Tunisia’s progress as a democracy. The author cites recent data produced by two independent agencies that monitor the state of democracy in the world. He makes a point of comparing the North African nation that set off the short-lived phenomenon known as […] More

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    The Consummation of the Consumer Society

    The shock to Western civilization produced by the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 is only beginning to register. Most commentators have focused on the political and economic dimension of a historical moment unlike any other, in which entire nations across the globe have moved into shutdown mode. Other commentators, such as Andrew Sullivan and Umair […] More

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    How MAGA Sunk the United States

    Donald Trump was elected in 2016 on his promise to “Make America Great Again.” Four years later, he presides over a country that would be the laughing stock of the world if the situation were not so dire. The greatest country in the world apparently cannot provide its citizens with toilet paper, is running out […] More