
Democratic debate 2020: candidates in most tense debate yet ahead of crucial primary – live

  • Buttigieg confident for New Hampshire as still no winner called in Iowa
  • Will Trump’s acquittal pose problems for Democrats in 2020?
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As the debate was concluding, Trump’s reelection campaign sent out an email attacking Bernie Sanders for voting against the United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement.

Trump’s re-election campaign just sent out an email blast attacking Bernie for not supporting USMCA.

After the debate ended, Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar won some immediate praise for her performance:

I’ve said a few times IRL that Klobuchar has been kind of a middling version of a great candidate (with Pete being the opposite). I thought that was a lot better than middling tonight, and while idk if it’s enough I think that’s the best she’s got

Jon Karl, the first analyst/reporter to speak on ABC after the debate, says it was a “breakthrough night for Amy Klobuchar.” Also says Pete Buttigieg did well.

tldr tonight: New Hampshire, meet Amy Klobuchar.

FUNDRAISING UPDATE: Our campaign has already raised more money than during any other #DemDebate (and from all 50 states)!

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Source: Elections -


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