new video loaded: ‘He Knows How to Get the Job Done,’ Pelosi Says, Endorsing Biden
‘He Knows How to Get the Job Done,’ Pelosi Says, Endorsing Biden
In a video released on Monday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi became the latest prominent Democrat to endorse former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. for president.
Today, I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States because he will be an extraordinary president. He knows how to get the job done. When our nation faced the great recession, it was Joe Biden who led the implementation and the accountability of the Recovery Act, helping create and save millions of jobs. When the Democratic Congress was passing the Affordable Care Act, Joe Biden was a partner for progress in the White House, and also championed the “Cancer Moonshot.” When the Trump administration launched its campaign to destroy every last benefit and protection of the A.C.A., Joe Biden has been with us every step of the way to protect Americans’ quality affordable health care. And as we face coronavirus, Joe has been a voice of reason and resilience, with a clear path to lead us out of this crisis. I want to tell you about the Joe Biden I’ve seen working behind the scenes, hammering out solutions for the American people. A leader with the humility to seek expertise in science, and the confidence to act upon it. With a Democratic majority in the House and Senate, we will deliver bold progress for the people when we have President Joe Biden in the White House.
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Source: Elections - nytimes.com