We’re now leading the world in the number of cases, and we’ve got to act more swiftly, more rapidly. And you know, we’ve been through this — and it’s a slightly different way — in the past. And I hope they can learn some lessons from what we did right. And maybe what we did wrong. For a time, the president was talking about this crisis being a choice between protecting public health and reopening the economy. That was a false and dangerous way to think about the problem. The virus is why we — we have this economic crisis. Failure to arrest the spread of the virus is the direct cause of economic pain. But he should employ that Defense Production Act for all the things needed: gloves, masks, face shields, gowns, et cetera — that should be done yesterday, last week, a month ago. Get it done now. Listen to the scientists. A convention having tens of thousands of people in one arena is very different than having people walk into a polling booth with accurate spacing six to 10 feet apart, one at a time, going in and have machines scrubbed down. But I do think you’re going to be a lot more — I think you could hold the election as well, dealing with mail-in ballots, and same-day registration. I mean, there’s a lot of things that can be done.
Source: Elections - nytimes.com