
Sanders and Buttigieg go head to head as Democrats vote in New Hampshire – live

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An emboldened Donald Trump celebrated his acquittal in the Senate impeachment trial at a campaign rally in New Hampshire, where he hoped his presence would rattle his Democratic opponents on the eve of the state’s first-in-the-nation primaries.

While the Democratic candidates tore into the president at rallies and events across the battleground state, Trump fired up thousands of his most ardent supporters at the Monday night rally, his first since the Senate cleared him of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Hundreds of thousands of Democratic voters are expected to cast their ballots in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday for the presidential candidate they would like to see take on Donald Trump in November’s election.

The primary comes just over a week after the Iowa Democratic caucuses, which ended in chaos over the reporting of the results, and where no clear single victor has been officially declared.

Today’s the day in New Hampshire…but the big question is still weeks away: “The big question mark that is outstanding and will be outstanding for the next couple of weeks is how any of these candidates do when black people show up to vote.”

Related: New Hampshire: hundreds of thousands of Democrats to vote in key primary

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Source: Elections -


Why New Hampshire may yet hold key to victory for absent Bloomberg

Boris Johnson loves antiquity – which is handy, as HS2 will be obsolete by the time it opens