
Trump Reveals List for Possible Supreme Court Picks

Should there be another vacancy on the Supreme Court during my presidency, my nominee will come from the names I have shared with the American public, including the original list and these 20 additions. Joe Biden has refused to release his list, perhaps because he knows the names are so extremely far left that they could never withstand public scrutiny or receive acceptance. He must release a list of justices for people to properly make a decision as to how they will vote. It is very important that he do so. My original list of potential justices include many of our nation’s brightest legal minds, such as Bill Pryor, Amy Coney Barrett and Thomas Hardiman. Their names are as follows: Bridget Bade of Arizona, judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals; Daniel Cameron of Kentucky, attorney general of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; Paul Clement of Virginia, former solicitor general of the United States; Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas; Senator Ted Cruz of Texas; Stuart Kyle Duncan of Louisiana, judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals; Steven Engel of the District of Columbia, assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice; Noel Francisco, former solicitor general of the United States; Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri; James Ho of Texas, judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals; Gregory Katsas of Virginia, judge on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals; Barbara Lagoa of Florida, judge on the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals; Christopher Landau of Maryland, United States ambassador to Mexico; Carlos Muniz of Florida, justice on the Supreme Court of Florida; Martha Pacold of Illinois, judge on the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois; Peter Phipps of Pennsylvania, judge on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals; Sarah Pitlyk of Missouri, judge on the District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri; Allison Jones Rushing of North Carolina, judge on the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals; Kate Todd of Virginia, deputy assistant to the president and deputy counsel to the president; Lawrence VanDyke of Nevada, judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Every one of these individuals will ensure equal justice, equal treatment and equal rights for citizens of every race, color, religion and creed. Together we will defend our righteous heritage, and preserve our magnificent American way of life. Thank you. God bless America — thank you very much.

Source: Elections -

Trump names three sitting senators among 20 possible supreme court picks

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