new video loaded: Warren Releases Video Endorsing Biden
Warren Releases Video Endorsing Biden
Senator Elizabeth Warren endorsed her one-time rival, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., for president, praising his decades in public service.
Joe Biden has spent nearly his entire life in public service. He knows that a government run with integrity, competence and heart will save lives and save livelihoods. And we can’t afford to let Donald Trump continue to endanger the lives and livelihoods of every American. And that’s why I’m proud to endorse Joe Biden as president of the United States. But when Donald Trump is gone, we will need to do more than heal a nation that has been bitterly divided. We will need to rebuild and transform our country. Among all the other candidates. I competed with in the Democratic primary, there’s no one I’ve agreed with 100 percent of the time over the years. But one thing I appreciate about Joe Biden is he will always tell you where he stands. When you disagree he’ll listen, and not just listen, but really hear you and treat you with respect no matter where you’re coming from. And he’s shown throughout this campaign that when you come up with new facts or a good argument he’s not too afraid, or too proud, to be persuaded.
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Source: Elections - nytimes.com