
Why New Hampshire may yet hold key to victory for absent Bloomberg

Primary could produce exact scenario on which billionaire’s presidential bid is predicated

  • New Hampshire primary – live updates

The man widely tipped to be a major beneficiary of the first round of formal voting in the Democratic party’s search for a challenger to Donald Trump does not even have his name on the ballot paper. The billionaire former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has skipped the New Hampshire primary, and yet he could still prove to be one of the contest’s big winners.

Final polls showed the veteran senator Bernie Sanders in pole position in the state, with a pack of “moderates” jostling behind him. That’s precisely the scenario – in which Democratic moderates fail to unite behind a single challenger to Sanders and his message of revolutionary change – on which Bloomberg’s presidential bid is predicated. So long as neither the former vice-president Joe Biden, the former mayor Pete Buttigieg nor the senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar manage to break decisively from the rest of the pack, Bloomberg can see a way to overtake them all.

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Source: Elections -


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