The care minister has admitted the low number of coronavirus tests being carried out is “really troubling” and hinted at mistakes in the strategy.
After weeks of the government defending its record – despite fewer than 20,000 daily tests, way short of the pledge of 100,000 next week – Helen Whately acknowledged it had failed to deliver as hoped.
She admitted that care workers were unable to reach the drive-through centres set up, which meant mobile tests were now being offered, with some home testing available very soon.
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“It clearly is really troubling where our strategy is to increase capacity and get as much testing happening as possible,” Ms Whately said.
The admission is the clearest insight into why testing totals have remained so law, despite ministers insisting they now have the “capacity” to carry out 40,000 daily tests.
Matt Hancock the health secretary, is facing growing criticism – including from unnamed government aides – that he announced the 100,000 target without a strategy to deliver it.
Ministers have been embarrassed by pictures of drive-through sites lying almost empty, while some NHS staff stay away from work with suspected coronavirus symptoms.
One care home owner in Hampshire said she was delighted to learn her staff would now be tested – only to learn they would have to drive to Gatwick Airport, 90 minutes away.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Ms Whately said: “One thing we are looking at is increasing the access to tests.
“One problem we have had in social care is, at the moment, the tests being offered are in drive-through centres and not everyone has access to a car.”
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The minister said initial mobile testing had “gone quite well” and revealed some testing kits would now be delivered to the homes of NHS and care workers.
“That should help on the transport challenge of getting to a test site,” she said.
Ms Whately was also forced to defend the continuing failure to provide sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) for health and care workers.

A man walks down a deserted Camden High Street
Photos Angela Christofilou

Goodge Street Station is one of the many stations closed to help reduce the spread
Angela Christofilou

An empty street in the heart of Chinatown
Angela Christofilou

People in masks in Chinatown a day after the lockdown
Angela Christofilou

A near-empty Piccadilly Circus during the first week of lockdown
Angela Christofilou

Sonja, my neighbour, who I photographed while taking a short walk. It was nice to briefly chat even from a distance
Angela Christofilou

A couple sit on the empty steps of the statue Eros in Piccadilly Circus
Angela Christofilou

Making sure I stay two-meters apart – D’Arblay Street, Soho
Angela Christofilou

A mannequin behind a shop window. UK stores have closed until further notice
Angela Christofilou

A notice displayed on a shop window in Camden
Angela Christofilou

As part of the lockdown, all non-essential shops have been ordered to close.Image from Camden High Street
Angela Christofilou

A skateboarder wearing a mask utilises his exercise allowance in the Camden area
Angela Christofilou

Communities have been coming together in a time of need
Angela Christofilou

A woman stands alone in a deserted Oxford Street. Up until a few weeks ago, on average, half a million people visited the street per day
Angela Christofilou

A couple walk hand in hand down a street in Soho, a day before the stricter lockdown was announced
Angela Christofilou

During the first week of March, shoppers focused on stockpiling necessities ahead of a countrywide lockdown
Angela Christofilou

Many supermarkers are operating a queuing system to make sure only a limited amount of customers are allowed in at anyone time
Angela Christofilou

‘Stay Safe’ – Curzon cinemas are temporarily closed under the new measures
Angela Christofilou

Pubs, restaurants and bars were ordered to shut as part of the lockdown
Angela Christofilou

20/29 Camden High Street
There are fears that coronavirus could lead to permanent closure of struggling shops
Angela Christofilou

Camden Town is eerily silent on a normal working day
Angela Christofilou

Shops and supermarkets ran out of hand sanitisers in the first week of the lockdown. As we approach the end of the second week most shops now have started to stock up
Angela Christofilou

Empty streets around Soho
Angela Christofilou

A noticeboard on Camden High Street urges the public to stay at home
Angela Christofilou

Camden High Street, one of London’s busiest tourist streets turns quiet
Angela Christofilou

Thriller Live confirmed its West End run ended in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak
Angela Christofilou

Empty and eerie Soho streets after stricter rules on social distancing announced
Angela Christofilou

A woman pauses for a cigarette on Hanway Street, behind Tottenham Court Road
Angela Christofilou

A man steps outside onto Hanway Street, that sits behind what is usually a bustling retail hub
Angela Christofilou

A man walks down a deserted Camden High Street
Photos Angela Christofilou

Goodge Street Station is one of the many stations closed to help reduce the spread
Angela Christofilou

An empty street in the heart of Chinatown
Angela Christofilou

People in masks in Chinatown a day after the lockdown
Angela Christofilou

A near-empty Piccadilly Circus during the first week of lockdown
Angela Christofilou

Sonja, my neighbour, who I photographed while taking a short walk. It was nice to briefly chat even from a distance
Angela Christofilou

A couple sit on the empty steps of the statue Eros in Piccadilly Circus
Angela Christofilou

Making sure I stay two-meters apart – D’Arblay Street, Soho
Angela Christofilou

A mannequin behind a shop window. UK stores have closed until further notice
Angela Christofilou

A notice displayed on a shop window in Camden
Angela Christofilou

As part of the lockdown, all non-essential shops have been ordered to close.Image from Camden High Street
Angela Christofilou

A skateboarder wearing a mask utilises his exercise allowance in the Camden area
Angela Christofilou

Communities have been coming together in a time of need
Angela Christofilou

A woman stands alone in a deserted Oxford Street. Up until a few weeks ago, on average, half a million people visited the street per day
Angela Christofilou

A couple walk hand in hand down a street in Soho, a day before the stricter lockdown was announced
Angela Christofilou

During the first week of March, shoppers focused on stockpiling necessities ahead of a countrywide lockdown
Angela Christofilou

Many supermarkers are operating a queuing system to make sure only a limited amount of customers are allowed in at anyone time
Angela Christofilou

‘Stay Safe’ – Curzon cinemas are temporarily closed under the new measures
Angela Christofilou

Pubs, restaurants and bars were ordered to shut as part of the lockdown
Angela Christofilou

20/29 Camden High Street
There are fears that coronavirus could lead to permanent closure of struggling shops
Angela Christofilou

Camden Town is eerily silent on a normal working day
Angela Christofilou

Shops and supermarkets ran out of hand sanitisers in the first week of the lockdown. As we approach the end of the second week most shops now have started to stock up
Angela Christofilou

Empty streets around Soho
Angela Christofilou

A noticeboard on Camden High Street urges the public to stay at home
Angela Christofilou

Camden High Street, one of London’s busiest tourist streets turns quiet
Angela Christofilou

Thriller Live confirmed its West End run ended in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak
Angela Christofilou

Empty and eerie Soho streets after stricter rules on social distancing announced
Angela Christofilou

A woman pauses for a cigarette on Hanway Street, behind Tottenham Court Road
Angela Christofilou

A man steps outside onto Hanway Street, that sits behind what is usually a bustling retail hub
Angela Christofilou
She said the government had been contacted by more than 8,000 potential suppliers and that ministers are concentrating on those with established supply chains.
“What the team is doing is moving quickest on those who have the largest scale that they can supply because we need billions of items of PPE,” she insisted.
“Some companies we have heard from have only set up in the last couple of days and have had a conversation with somebody they think they can get some stock to the UK.
“There is a difference between that and those who have established, experienced supply chains.”
Ms Whately also said that 61 NHS staff were known to have died after becoming infected with coronavirus, adding: “We have got to do everything we can to protect their lives.”