
'Put your flags away, and take them with you': European Parliament speaker scolds Brexit MEPs as they wave Union Jacks

Brexit Party MEPs were scolded for flag-waving in the European Parliament, marking their last contribution to European democracy.

The eurosceptic British MEPs began waving the miniature flags the end of Nigel Farage’s speech to the legislature – his last before before Britain leaves on Friday.

“Please sit down and take your seats, put your flags away, and take them with you,” the presiding speaker Mairead McGuinness told the MEPs.

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She also criticised Mr Farage for invoking “hate” in his attacks on the EU, warning that.

Following the exchange the Brexit MEPs did indeed leave the chamber – and took their flags with them.

Mr Farage told MEPs in his speech that Brexit showed that “the British are too big to bully”.

He said he was an “outright opponent of the European project” and that he hoped other countries would leave. 

“We don’t hate Europe, we just hate the European Union,” he said.

A suggestion by the Brexit Party leader that the EU system was “power without accountability” was greeted with shouts of “lies” and “rubbish” by other MEPs and members of public watching the debate from the gallery.

Flags are against the rules of the European Parliament chamber under rules set by its authorities.

Source: UK Politics -

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