Chris McGreal visits the first US state to vote in this year’s race for the Democratic party’s presidential nomination. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are vying for crucial early momentum in the race to take on Trump. Plus: Iman Amrani on modern masculinity
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The Iowa caucuses tonight are the first staging post in the long road to the Democratic party’s nomination process for the presidential candidate who will run against Donald Trump in November’s election. Voters will assemble in town halls in the midwestern state to caucus for their preferred candidate. It’s been described as a game of political musical chairs as voters move around the room coalescing around their favourite candidates.
The Guardian’s Chris McGreal has been visiting Iowa for months and has found that Democratic voters are faced with a dilemma: vote for a radical candidate with bold policies or opt for one who polls better among swing voters. Whichever candidate Iowans choose tonight will have a big early advantage: early victories are vital in attracting financial donations as well as giving campaigns forward momentum. But with 49 more states to have their say, this is the start of a gruelling months-long process.
Also today: Guardian video journalist Iman Amrani on modern masculinity and the debate around circumcision.

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Source: US Politics - theguardian.com