
Brexit: Sign up to The Independent’s virtual event exploring the hidden costs of leaving the EU

It can be argued that it is only now, as we edge further away from the height of the Covid pandemic, that the real effects of Brexit are starting to become more visible.

The fact the deal was rushed through before 2020 came to an end, leaving only one day for parliamentary scrutiny, meant that the details of the final deal probably had less public scrutiny than it might have done at any other time.

During the past few weeks there have been a number of reasons why Brexit has been continuing to make headlines. Not only are there continued issues surrounding the Northern Ireland Protocol, which is yet to be resolved, there are now worrying examples of how the UK’s supply chain is being impacted by the fact we left the European Union.

To discuss this, The Independent is hosting a virtual event on 6 October, hosted by our chief political commentator John Rentoul, during which an expert panel will explore the pros and cons that the reality of Brexit presents and what the future holds for a UK divorced from the EU.

John will be joined by:

  • Emily Carver, the Institute of Economic Affairs’ Head of Media, and who as previously policy adviser to a Conservative MP.
  • Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the School of Politics & Economics of King’s College, London
  • Anna Issac, The Independent’s economics editor

Source: UK Politics -


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