
Lockdown exit: 10,000 sign petition to make 21 June a bank holiday

The government will respond to a petition to make the day when all coronavirus restrictions could be removed a bank holiday after it was signed by more than 10,000 people.

Boris Johnson has said he is “very optimistic” he will be able to completely end all of England’s coronavirus restrictions on 21 June.

The prime minister warned “nothing can be guaranteed” and urged the nation to be “prudent” by continuing to follow the rules after he published his road map to gradually ease the third national lockdown over the coming months.

Around 17,000 people had signed the petition on Parliament’s website calling for 21 June to be made a new national bank holiday on Tuesday night.

The petition will receive a response from the government within 24 hours. It would would be considered for debate in Parliament if it garnered 100,000 signatures.

David Metcalf, who created the petition, wrote: “We’d like the government to create a one off Bank Holiday, to be known as Merriweather Day, on Monday 21 June 2021 as an opportunity for families and friends to come together.”

Earlier in the day, Downing Street said 21 June was the “earliest date” date for step four – when all coronavirus measures could be eased.

When asked if Mr Johnnson would consider making the date a new national bank holiday, the prime minister’s official spokesman said: “As it says, 21 June is the earliest for step four.

“And as the road map sets out we need to continue to look at the evidence and data as we move through the road map.”

Source: UK Politics -


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