
New Covid mask rules could last less than three weeks, Sajid Javid says

New Covid rules brought in by the the government to tackle the omicron variant could last less than three weeks, the health secretary has said.

Speaking on Wednesday morning Sajid Javid said a planned government review of rules in England could be brought forward earlier than planned.

His comments downplaying the duration of the new regulations come after a small group of Tory MPs rebelled against plans for mandatory masks on public transport and in shops.

Asked about the timing of a promised review, Mr Javid told Sky News: “We are confident that actually maybe within two weeks we will know a lot more about this. We may not even need to wait three weeks.”

And he insisted that nobody should change any plans they have for the festive season, stating: “I think people should continue to behave in the way they were planning to behave over Christmas. I don’t think there is any need to change those plans.”

Some hospitality venues are facing a wave of cancellations for pre-Christmas trade in light of the new variant, according to industry representatives.

Speaking to broadcasters Mr Javid added that he was not expecting anything “pingdemic” of people being forced to self-isolate because “case numbers are very low”.

“That will certainly go up but the numbers are low. I hope it stays that way. I’m not worried about a ‘pingdemic’ type of situation,” he said.

Asked if people should take a Covid test before attending Christmas parties, Mr Javid said: “I would.”

Covid deaths in the UK have averaged over 100 a day every day since mid-August, with new cases averaging about 40,000. Despite the numbers the government has faced little pressure to bring in new restrictions like those seen on the continent.

It comes as leaked minutes of a meeting of the government’s scientific advisors warn that a “very stringent response” may be necessary to tackle omicron.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) held a meeting on Monday and said officials should prepare now for a “potentially significant” wave of infections, according to the minutes leaked to the BBC.

The government has said all adults will be offered a Covid booster by the end of January – and Mr Javid this morning the policy would be a “huge ask”.

“It is a huge ask. It’s something I do believe that people who work in the NHS, all the volunteers, are up to it,” he said.

“But it is a huge ask and that is why I am calling it a national mission. This has become, from a health point of view, the most important thing we can do to protect ourselves, protect the progress that we have made.”

Boris Johnson previously said officials would be “throwing everything at” the campaign to roll out booster jabs.

Source: UK Politics -


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