
Nigel Farage lashes out at hoaxers trying to ruin his US tour by booking fake tickets

Nigel Farage has lashed out at the “hoaxers” attempting to derail his speaking tour of the United States.

The former Ukip leader tweeted that it’s “no surprise” that the “cancel culture mob” are trying to damage his six week ‘America’s Comeback’ tour which he says “calls for free speech”.

“The hoaxers who have booked fake tickets to my events in America have overplayed their hand,” he wrote.

“Thanks for the publicity, free speech will win.”

Social media users began booking up the free tickets to Mr Farage’s tour with no intention of attending after the link was shared widely online.

Some likened the prank to the disruption of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 2020.

K-pop fans claimed responsibility for the rally’s poor turnout, saying that they signed up for hundreds of thousands of tickets with no intention of attending after the booking link was shared across TikTok.

Sharing the link to sign up for Mr Farage’s tour, one Twitter user wrote: “Remember that time K-pop fans ruined Trump’s big election rally by booking free tickets they had no intention of ever using? On a completely unrelated topic, Nigel Farage is offering free tickets to his latest tour…”.

Others, including the musician Tim Burgess, also shared the link with a plea to sign up – but not show up.

Mr Farage wrote on Twitter: “It is no surprise that the cancel culture mob are trying to damage my USA Tour that calls for free speech.”

He has previously said that the purpose of his tour is to “inspire thousands of activists” in the wake of Joe Biden’s election victory.

“Don’t get down, don’t get depressed, don’t get disillusioned, however bad Biden and the Democrats are,” he said in a promotional video.

“In some ways, this is your opportunity. We proved it in Britain. Brexit looked lost, but we the grassroots seized it back and got it over the line.”

The tour launched today at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott. Tickets for future events now cost $20 (£14).

Source: UK Politics -


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