
‘Show the north some love,’ and level up with greater speed, Tory MPs warn Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson must begin delivering on his levelling up agenda “at pace” if “real progress” is to be made this summer, a 50-strong group of northern Conservative MPs has demanded.

Calling on the prime minister to “show the north some love”, the Northern Research Group (NRG) urged the government to commit to a further year of funding for so-called red wall seats.

Publishing a 10-point plan, the group said road tax must be abolished and also demanded the end of fuel duty, which it suggested should be placed a with a road pricing system with revenue raised retained in the north.

The NRG added that central government should “automatically” provide special grants under the towns fund scheme to deprived areas outside of London — ensuring an “equal process”.

The policy demands comes as Mr Johnson prepares to deliver a keynote speech on Thursday on his election slogan promise to “level up” the country, with pledges to to rejuvenate the high street as Covid restrictions are eased.

Chairman of the NRG Jake Berry said: “We have been in lockdown longer than any other area of the country. It’s time for the government to show the north some love with a summer of levelling up for the north.

“People in the north want their children to be able to get a world-class education and then good, well-paying jobs locally rather than being forced to migrate southwards.”

He added: “This is an opportunity for the government to reaffirm its commitment to the north, on which the prime minister now relies on for his majority in Parliament, by encouraging investment and getting jobs and industry back in the north.

“Since December 2019 we have heard a lot about plans to level up the north, now is the time to show how we can deliver. Our 10-point plan cuts through the red tape that Whitehall departments try to tie this whole agenda down with”.

“No one in the north cares about internal governmental turf wars. They want real jobs, real change, and real opportunities. It’s time to start delivering an ambitious programme at pace if we are going to see real progress this summer.”

Earlier this week, the NRG also demanded the government drops its plans to cut the £20 universal credit uplift, telling The Independent the increased payments had been a “life-saver” for many during the crisis.

“Keeping the uplift is not a zero-sum game for the government. Many people on universal credit are in work or want to be in work and we shouldn’t pull the rug from under their feet,” the group said.

Ahead of Mr Johnson’s speech on Thursday, a government spokesperson said: “The prime minister is determined to level up the UK and deliver a fairer, stronger society — one where whatever your background and wherever you live, everyone can access the opportunities they need to succeed.

“While talent and potential is distributed evenly across the country, opportunity is not.

“That’s why, as we emerge from the pandemic, it’s vital that we do not make the mistakes of the recovery from the financial crash, and seize this moment to ensure a better quality of life for people in every part of the UK”.

Source: UK Politics -


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