
Beleaguered Tories finally come out on top with voters – but only on campaign slogan

After a difficult start to the general election Rishi Sunak has finally come ahead of Keir Starmer in one crucial area in the polls.

The Conservatives are currently trailing Labour by between 12 and 27 points according to diffierent opinion polls published over the last 24 hours but one poll puts them ahead.

According to Redfield and Wilton, the Conservative’s campaign slogan is preferred by voters.

The Tories are campaigning on “Clear Plan. Bold Action. Secure Future.” while Labour has gone for the one word “Change” inspired by Barack Obama’s 2008 bid for the White House.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said Scotland could be ‘key to delivering the change our entire country needs’ (Stefan Rousseau/PA) (PA)

According to the survey of 1,500 voters, when asked which of all the different parties’ slogans they prefer both come equal top with 22 percent. Narrowly behind is Reform UK’s “Britain Needs Reform” on 21 percent.

But when given a choice between the Conservative and Labour slogans “Clear Plan. Bold Action. Secure Future.” beats “Change” by 44 percent to 35 percent.

It is a crumb of comfort for Mr Sunak whose campaign has endured a series of gaffes and mishaps, including getting drenched in Downing Street announcing the election to the nation, being photoed by an exit sign, and mocked for going to the Titanic Museum at a time when michael Gove was leading an exodus from a party resemblign a sinking ship.

Redfield and Wilton’s director of research Philip van Scheltinga said that the slogans were symbolic of how the two parties are approaching the election.

Sunak’s slogan is better liked by voters (Aaron Chown/PA Wire)

He said: “Labour are playing it safe in this election. They have picked an unambitious slogan that does not capture the imagination, as our poll figures show.

“Years from now, no one is going to look back at this election and repeat their slogan in the way that we now look back and associate Tony Blair with ‘New Labour’ or Barack Obama with ‘Yes, We Can.’”

He went on: “The Conservatives have picked a better slogan than Labour’s, but you need credibility to carry a slogan.”

But he warned that it will not save Mr Sunak from an enormous deficit with Labour.

The pollster noted: “However good their slogan may be or however appealing any new policies they propose over the next six weeks may be, none of it can make up for their record over the last fourteen years.”

He was also complimentary of Richard Tice’s slogan for Refom UK which has been well received in the poll.

Mr van Scheltinga said: “Reform has picked a very strong slogan, as it is easily repeatable, something that people can say in a conversation. It’s polling above the party’s own position in the polls and is virtually even with Labour and the Conservatives.”

The Green’s “For a Fairer, Greener Country” got 8 percent just ahead of the Lib Dem’s “For a Fair Deal” on 7 percent. Meanwhile the SNP’s “Unite for Independence” only impressed 1 percent.

Slogans are only part of the armoury being deployed by the parties in this election.

Sir Keir Starmer is relying on his six “first steps” on a pledge card as well as five missions.

Mr Sunak has been pushing his five priorities since the beginning of last year.

Source: UK Politics -


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