
As Election Nears, Trump’s White House Grows Bolder in Flouting Ethical Norms

When President Trump holds official taxpayer-funded events outside Washington, his audiences are treated to campaign-style speeches and rock music playlists drawn from his political rallies. His appearances at the White House, most recently a rambling Rose Garden news conference, are increasingly devoid of policy and filled with attacks on the “radical left” and the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.

And on Tuesday, Mr. Trump’s eldest daughter and senior adviser, Ivanka Trump, a White House employee, posted a photograph online celebrating Goya Foods, whose chief executive had recently praised her father, in what government ethics experts called a clear violation of federal law. The president followed up on Wednesday with his own photograph, featuring the company’s products arrayed on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.

Mr. Trump and his advisers have long tested — and often crossed — the boundaries between the official and the political. The Office of Special Counsel, an independent government watchdog agency, has found 13 Trump officials in violation of the Hatch Act, the 1939 law limiting the political activities of government employees, according to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW. Staff members with the watchdog group said they could recall only two such instances under President Barack Obama.

But with the general election in November little more than 100 days away, the coronavirus quashing Mr. Trump’s raucous rallies, and the White House lacking a clear policy agenda, the Trump administration seems almost entirely unconstrained by traditional divisions between politics and governance.

“Every White House I have known until this one — of both parties — has rigorously worked to separate campaign activity and official business,” said Trevor Potter, a Republican and a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission who is now the president of the Campaign Legal Center.

“Traditionally, the White House counsel’s office has policed campaign activity to keep it off the White House grounds and out of official events,” he continued. “What we are seeing now is a complete overturning of these ethical and legal norms.”

Jordan Libowitz, the communications director for CREW, said that while Mr. Trump and his senior advisers had never shown much interest in respecting such distinctions, they appeared to have grown bolder in the months since he was acquitted by the Senate after the House impeached him.

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“I think there is a larger pattern we’ve seen, really since the impeachment trial, of a stepped-up disregard for ethical norms,” Mr. Libowitz said. He said that top Trump aides had become “more brazen” about talking explicitly about politics and the 2020 election, including on the White House grounds, in ways that would have made past officials fear for their jobs.

All first-term presidents in recent memory have used their offices in mostly subtle but sometimes blatant ways to help ensure their re-election. But Mr. Trump and his senior advisers appear far less concerned than their predecessors did about norms and laws governing political activity.

When Mr. Trump visited Kennedy Space Center in Florida in May to watch a private rocket launch, in what was ostensibly an official White House event, he staged a campaign-style rally afterward in a NASA hangar where loudspeakers blared his rally playlist and the president denounced “radical-left criminals,” boasted that he had “completely rebuilt” the military and thanked well over a dozen Republican lawmakers in attendance — but no Democrats.

Days later, Mr. Trump’s campaign pulled a “Make Space Great Again” advertisement it had cut using footage from the launch and featuring the NASA logo and two astronauts. Critics said the ad was in violation of regulations against the commercial use of NASA’s name and its personnel.

During a meeting last week in Miami with Cuban and Venezuelan exiles as part of an official White House event on Latin American policy, Mr. Trump repeatedly attacked Mr. Biden, charging that he was sympathetic to communist governments and warning that “nobody will be safe in a Biden America.”

At the end of the event, Mr. Trump provided a closing thought that appeared to be less about oppressed Latin Americans than about his own fate: “2020 is very important,” he said. “Very important.”

At the Rose Garden event on Tuesday, billed as a news conference on China, Mr. Trump spent about an hour riffing on politics, his accomplishments and the alleged failings of Mr. Biden, whom he accused of wanting “to defund our military” and place immigrants on welfare “immediately,” and who he said had “gone radical left.” The president added that Mr. Biden “sides with China over America time and time again.”

Many presidents have used that venerable venue to their advantage by rolling out announcements and policies during their re-election campaigns, so much so that a “Rose Garden strategy” has become part of the political vernacular. But previous presidents avoided open talk of campaign politics in that setting.

Later, on Fox News, the Republican strategist Karl Rove, who informally advises the Trump campaign, warned that Mr. Trump was diminishing the power of his incumbency. “Don’t use presidential events as campaign events,” Mr. Rove said. “Try and turn campaign events into presidential events.”

But the White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, dismissed such criticism.

“I don’t see anything inappropriate with the comments the president has made,” Mr. Meadows said, adding that “those were policy differences that the president highlighted” regarding Mr. Biden.

As president, Mr. Trump is not bound by the Hatch Act, which was passed to ensure that federal employees were promoted on merit and not politically coerced. His subordinates are bound, though, but Mr. Trump has chosen not to punish them in the several cases where the Office of Special Counsel has found them in violation.

In June 2019, the Office of Special Counsel, which is led by a former career prosecutor and congressional Republican aide appointed by Mr. Trump, issued a 17-page report detailing “numerous violations of the Hatch Act” by Kellyanne Conway, the White House counselor.

Calling for Ms. Conway’s dismissal, the office warned that failure to punish her would “send a message to all federal employees that they need not abide by the Hatch Act’s restrictions.” But the White House dismissed the call, saying it was “as outrageous as it is unprecedented,” and took no action.

Ms. Conway had previously drawn rebukes from lawmakers of both parties in March 2017 when, speaking from the White House Briefing Room during an appearance on Fox News, she urged viewers to buy merchandise sold by Ms. Trump that Nordstrom had recently dropped from its stores.

On Tuesday, Ms. Trump posted a photograph on Twitter showing her smiling and holding a can of Goya beans. A message with it read, in both English and Spanish, “If it’s Goya, it has to be good.”

Her tweet was a clear response to calls for a boycott of Goya Foods after its chief executive, Robert Unanue, said last week at a White House event that his fellow Latinos were “truly blessed” to have Mr. Trump as president. That event itself, organized around a largely symbolic executive order on Hispanic “prosperity,” had a heavily political feel and opened with an audience member shouting, “Four more years!”

Under federal ethics laws, government employees “shall not use or permit the use of his government position or title or any authority associated with his public office to endorse any product, service or enterprise.” Several government watchdogs, along with Democrats, said that Ms. Trump had been in clear violation of that measure, which is separate from the Hatch Act.

But the White House unapologetically defended her post.

“Only the media and the cancel culture movement would criticize Ivanka for showing her personal support for a company that has been unfairly mocked, boycotted and ridiculed for supporting this administration — one that has consistently fought for and delivered for the Hispanic community,” said Carolina Hurley, a White House spokeswoman. She added that Ms. Trump “has every right to express her personal support” for the company.

Walter M. Shaub Jr., who was the director of the Office of Government Ethics from 2013 to 2017, noted that Ms. Trump’s Twitter bio included her official title of adviser to the president.

“There’s no distinction in the minds of administration officials between the personal and the official,” Mr. Shaub tweeted. “Their message is that the government and the people it represents exist to serve Trump’s personal interests.”

“Ms. Trump has had ethics training,” he added. “She knows better. But she did it anyway because no one in this administration cares about government ethics.”

There was little sign of unhappiness from Mr. Trump. A day later on Instagram, he posted a photograph of himself sitting behind his desk in the Oval Office, beaming and giving two thumbs up, with a variety of Goya Foods products before him.

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