
Brexit news – live: Watchdog gets power to block chlorinated chicken, and Farage’s party to change name

The new post-Brexit commerce watchdog, the Trade and Agriculture Commission, will have the power to prevent trade deals and avert the watering-down of UK food standards.

Liz Truss bowed to the demands of campaigners who feared chlorinated chicken and hormone-fed beef would flood supermarket shelves under a US trade deal.

Meanwhile, Nigel Farage has announced he is to relaunch the Brexit Party as the anti-lockdown “Reform UK”.


How long will lockdown last? Rishi Sunak says 28 days locked into law – but review expected

Rishi Sunak has sought to reassure Conservative MPs by saying he “hoped” England’s looming lockdown would end in four weeks – and claimed they would get a chance to vote on any extension beyond 2 December, writes Adam Forrest.

There is growing unrest over the possibility shutdown measures could continue into 2021, after Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove said ministers would have to examine the evidence before deciding whether to lift national curbs at the start of next month.  

Jon Sharman2 November 2020 14:27


Brexit boosting desire for Scottish independence, top Tory says

The leader of the Scottish Conservatives has dealt his second blow to Boris Johnson in one day.

Douglas Ross has said the government’s handling of Brexit is driving support for Scottish independence.

Earlier, he told the BBC it was a mistake for the PM to oppose a new national lockdown.

In a speech to the right-wing Policy Exchange think tank, Mr Ross suggested some people felt England and Scotland no longer shared the same values in the wake of Brexit and that is boosting support for the break-up of the UK rather than a strong argument for independence.

He said: “Brexit has been damaging to support for the UK because it undermined, in the eyes of many, those shared values.”

He added: “Last month I said that independence was not inevitable, I truly believe that is the case.

“The bonds that we share across our four nations and between the people and communities that make up our country are deeper and more essential now than they have ever been.

“But you can’t ignore the way that Brexit – and how it’s been delivered – has undermined the perception that there are common, shared values that unite us.”

He said devolution has been “found wanting” after being put “to the ultimate test” by the coronavirus pandemic.

Jon Sharman2 November 2020 13:59


Wales cannot become ‘escape’ for people in England as firebreak ends and lockdown comes in, first minister warns

Wales cannot become an “escape” for people in England as the country’s 17-day  lockdown is relaxed and Boris Johnson’s month-long restrictions across the border come into force, the Welsh first minister has said, writes Ashley Cowburn.

Sticking to the 9 November timetable for removing strict measures, Mark Drakeford said the “unexpected” decision to introduce a lockdown across England on Thursday would not interrupt plans to reopen large sectors of the economy in Wales.

Jon Sharman2 November 2020 13:39


Raab statement on Zaghari-Ratcliffe

Following Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s court hearing in Iran on Monday, Dominic Raab has called Tehrans’ decision to begin new proceedings against her “appalling”.

“The Iranian authorities have put an intolerable burden on Nazanin and her family,” he said in a statement.

“I am relieved she remains on temporary release, but she needs to be returned home to her family. We continue to make this clear in the strongest terms.”

Jon Sharman2 November 2020 13:35


CBI condemns government for announcing Covid measures via ‘speculation and leaks’

Britain’s largest business group has condemned the government for the unclear way in which it has handled major coronavirus lockdown announcements, writes Jon Stone.

Dame Carolyn Fairbairn, director general of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), said companies needed more than “speculation and leaks” to plan for a coming “bleak” winter.

It comes after the government spent the last month dismissing the prospect of a second national lockdown before abruptly U-turning on the issue, with new restrictions set to be imposed from Thursday.

Jon Sharman2 November 2020 13:20


Conservative MP discloses cancer diagnosis

Chloe Smith, the MP for Norwich North, says she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

In making the announcement, she urged the public to check themselves and continue to use the NHS throughout the lockdown.

Ms Smith, who is the constitution and devolution minister, said: “I have today let people know that I have breast cancer and start treatment soon.

“Please, check for lumps and see your GP without delay if you find one.

“The latest announcement about coronavirus is very clear that the restrictions will help non-Covid healthcare to keep going. And you should continue to use the NHS, get your scans, turn up for your appointments and pick up your treatments.”

Jon Sharman2 November 2020 13:11


Self-employed workers to receive more support through lockdown, Rishi Sunak says

Self-employed people are to receive further government support through the second coronavirus lockdown, Rishi Sunak has said.

More below:

Vincent Wood2 November 2020 12:58


Government pretended it could protect economy without controlling virus – Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer has laid the blame for delays to a lockdown at the foot of the chancellor Rishi Sunak. 

Referring to the news lockdown, he said: “The impact on business – and jobs – will be severe.

“Make no mistake, the Chancellor’s name is all over this. His decision to block a circuit breaker. To dismiss it as a ‘blunt instrument’.

“And to pretend that you can protect the economy without controlling the virus will now mean that businesses have to close for longer.

“More people will lose their jobs. And the public finances will be worse than they needed to be.

“It makes me so angry. And so frustrated that when the British people – and British businesses – have given so much and made so many sacrifices they have been let down so badly by the government.”

Jon Sharman2 November 2020 12:38


Opinion: This pandemic proves why children must be educated about politics

It’s an unspoken truth that an understanding of politics is treated rather like an appreciation for olives: you’re expected to develop it over time, entirely of your own accord, writes Ellie Fishleigh.

But this generation of students needs politics on its plate from a much younger age. Your exams were cancelled. Your parents are on furlough. You’re wearing a mask. But you can’t explain why.

Jon Sharman2 November 2020 11:56


Government must ‘get a grip on messaging and rebuild public trust’ – Starmer

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said Downing Street must now make the most of the lockdown to repair flaws in the nation’s coronavirus response/

 “The Government was slow to act – again.”, he told the CBI conference.

“But, it can’t now waste these four weeks.

“They must be used to fix Test, Trace and Isolate – and to give control to local authorities

“To get a grip on messaging and rebuild public trust.

“And to provide a clear and transparent road map to protect businesses and the NHS over the months to come.

“I know how difficult this next month will be, and the months to come.

“Now, more than ever, we need to stand together as a country, as families, and as communities.

“And to show – once again – that at a moment of national crisis, the British people always stand by those in need.”

Vincent Wood2 November 2020 12:18

Source: UK Politics -


'I just want peace of mind': Americans mull leaving US if Trump wins again

Convoys of Trump supporters take to roads after Biden campaign bus incident – video