
What do you think of the Home Office’s Rwanda plan? Have your say

Priti Patel’s deal to send asylum seekers who arrive in the UK illegally to Rwanda, 4,000 miles away in east Africa, has been met with criticism since it was announced last week. But we want to know what readers of The Independent think of the controversial plans.

Scroll down to enter our reader poll and let us know your thoughts in the comments

The agreement between the UK and Rwanda has been described as “profoundly inadequate and mean-spirited” by Labour, has been rejected by Theresa May, with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby raising “serious ethical questions” about the policy during his Easter Sunday address, saying it cannot “stand the judgment of God”.

Criticism for the plan has even been flagged by Home Office staff on an internal online noticeboard where employees expressed “deep shame” at the deal.

Ms Patel challenged those against her plan to send migrants to Rwanda to come up with a better idea to tackle small boat crossings in the Channel.

What do you think of the idea, proclaimed as “bold and innovative” by the home secretary? Cast your vote in our poll and let us know what you think in the comments.

Check back next week to see the results of the reader poll.

Source: UK Politics -


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