
Can You Uncover the 14 Hidden Book Titles Hidden in This Quiz?

The memory Police Officer 6311 told her to forget will not fade, even now in the silence. She looks at the plastic clock on the stand beside the bed, pulls the tattered wool blanket tighter and tries to organize her thoughts before she sleeps. The departure tomorrow has been hastily planned, but she knows the coded phrases she must speak to the guard to get by the Station Eleven checkpoint. When she gets beyond the wall and out of Zone One, she must find the road marked by the Children of Men resistance group and she will be on her way to paradise — or at least what’s left of it.

The memory Police Officer 6311 told her to forget will not fade, even now in the silence. She looks at the plastic clock on the stand beside the bed, pulls the tattered wool blanket tighter and tries to organize her thoughts before she sleeps. The departure tomorrow has been hastily planned, but she knows the coded phrases she must speak to the guard to get by the Station Eleven checkpoint. When she gets beyond the wall and out of Zone One, she must find the road marked by the Children of Men resistance group and she will be on her way to paradise — or at least what’s left of it.

The memory Police Officer 6311 told her to forget will not fade, even now in the silence. She looks at the plastic clock on the stand beside the bed, pulls the tattered wool blanket tighter and tries to organize her thoughts before she sleeps. The departure tomorrow has been hastily planned, but she knows the coded phrases she must speak to the guard to get by the Station Eleven checkpoint. When she gets beyond the wall and out of Zone One, she must find the road marked by the Children of Men resistance group and she will be on her way to paradise — or at least what’s left of it.

Source: Elections -


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