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    Myon Burrell Has Life Sentence Commuted by Minnesota

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    Electoral College Results

    Election Disinformation

    Full Results

    Biden Transition Updates

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    Citing Trump’s Pardon, Judge Dismisses Case Against Michael Flynn

    AdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyCiting Trump’s Pardon, Judge Dismisses Case Against Michael FlynnA federal judge portrayed the Justice Department’s prior attempt to drop the case as unlikely to have met legal standards as legitimate.Michael T. Flynn was the only White House official charged in the Russia investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.Credit…Carolyn Kaster/Associated PressBy More

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    Trump explora con sus asesores otorgar indultos a sus hijos y a su abogado personal

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    State Certified Vote Totals

    Election Disinformation

    Full Results

    Transition Updates

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    Trump Has Discussed With Advisers Pardons for His 3 Eldest Children and Giuliani

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    State Certified Vote Totals

    Election Disinformation

    Full Results

    Transition Updates

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    Citing Pardon, Justice Dept. Asks Judge to ‘Immediately’ Dismiss Flynn Case

    WASHINGTON — The Justice Department asked a federal judge on Monday to dismiss the criminal case against President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, citing his pardon last week — and making clear that it broadly covered potential legal troubles beyond the charge Mr. Flynn had faced of lying to federal investigators.“The president’s pardon, which General Flynn has accepted, moots this case,” the Justice Department filing said.Mr. Flynn had twice pleaded guilty to a charge of lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations in late 2016, during the Trump presidential transition, with the Russian ambassador to the United States. His original plea deal also covered legal liability for other potential charges related to his work as an unregistered foreign agent of Turkey in 2016.But Mr. Flynn — whose case became a cause for Mr. Trump and his supporters as they attacked the Trump-Russia investigation led by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III — sought to change his plea to not guilty. And Attorney General William P. Barr asked the judge, Emmet G. Sullivan of the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia, to dismiss the case in a highly unusual about-face for the Justice Department.But the judge instead began a review of the request’s legitimacy, appointing an outside critic — John Gleeson, a former federal judge and mafia prosecutor — who portrayed Mr. Barr’s move as a lawless abuse of power to show special favor to a presidential ally, and urged Judge Sullivan to instead proceed to sentencing Mr. Flynn.Last week, with Judge Sullivan yet to issue any ruling, Mr. Trump instead pardoned his former aide, taking political responsibility for ending the case. As a result, the Justice Department said in a new filing, the entire matter is moot.The filing was accompanied by the text of the pardon itself, which had not previously been released. While Mr. Trump had said on Twitter that he was granting Mr. Flynn a “full” pardon, he left unclear how far that would go in terms of any potential legal jeopardy for Mr. Flynn over other matters for which he had not been charged.The pardon, however, was written broadly not only to cover lying to the F.B.I., but to foreclose any legal jeopardy Mr. Flynn might face from a future Justice Department arising from the Turkey matter, his inconsistent statements under oath to Judge Sullivan and any potential perjury or false statements to Mr. Mueller’s team or to the grand juries it used.In a three-page filing accompanying the pardon, the Justice Department emphasized to Judge Sullivan that the language covered “any possible future perjury or contempt charge in connection with General Flynn’s sworn statements and any other possible future charge” that the judge or Mr. Gleeson “has suggested might somehow keep this criminal case alive over the government’s objection.”Judge Sullivan did not immediately file a response to the new motion to dismiss, and Mr. Gleeson did not respond to an email requesting comment.Andrew Weissmann, a former member of the special counsel team who was not directly involved in prosecuting Mr. Flynn, condemned the Trump administration’s handling of the case after Mr. Mueller’s office shut down.“Trump issued the pardon only after Barr debased the Department of Justice by filing a disingenuous motion to dismiss,” Mr. Weissmann said. “Sullivan will have the opportunity to weigh in on his view of all this when he grants the motion to dismiss based on the full pardon.”But the Justice Department filing signaled that under the Trump administration, at least, the Flynn matter is closed.“No further proceedings are necessary or appropriate, as the court must immediately dismiss the case with prejudice,” it said. More

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    Trump Pardons Michael Flynn

    WASHINGTON — President Trump pardoned on Wednesday his former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, who had twice pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations with a Russian diplomat and whose prosecution Attorney General William P. Barr tried to shut down.“It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter.The presidential pardon appeared to bring to an end the drawn-out legal saga of Mr. Flynn. The Justice Department had moved in the spring to withdraw the charge against him after a public campaign by Mr. Trump and his allies, but the judge overseeing the case, Emmet G. Sullivan, had held up the request to scrutinize its legitimacy.Though Mr. Trump had said that he was “strongly considering” pardoning Mr. Flynn and was said this week to be planning for it, Mr. Barr’s intervention had left open the possibility that his administration could end the prosecution of a presidential favorite without requiring Mr. Trump to take explicit political responsibility for the act.But as the case lingered — delayed first by Mr. Flynn’s unsuccessful attempt to get an appeals court to block Judge Sullivan from reviewing the basis for Mr. Barr’s move, and then by further weeks of inaction from the judge — Mr. Trump ultimately moved to do so after all.Mr. Flynn was the only White House official to be convicted as part of the Trump-Russia investigation that was completed by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. Under Mr. Trump and Mr. Barr, the administration has been trying to discredit and dismantle that inquiry. Mr. Trump also commuted the sentence of his longtime friend Roger J. Stone Jr. on seven felonies in a case brought by prosecutors working for Mr. Mueller.John Gleeson, a former federal judge and mafia prosecutor appointed by Judge Sullivan to critique the Justice Department’s attempt to drop the case against Mr. Flynn, argued that the claimed basis for the request made no sense and seemed to be cover for a politically motivated favor. He had said that Judge Sullivan should instead sentence Mr. Flynn — or that Mr. Trump should just pardon him.By doing so, Mr. Trump has now mooted that proceeding, meaning Judge Sullivan will most likely dismiss the matter. The pardon forecloses the possibility of a new legal confrontation over whether the judge could sentence a defendant who had pleaded guilty even though the Justice Department no longer wanted to pursue the case.Several Democratic members of Congress condemned Mr. Trump’s pardon of Mr. Flynn as an abuse of power.“Flynn lied to the F.B.I. about his communications with the Russians — efforts which undermined U.S. foreign policy after sanctions were imposed on Russia for interfering in our elections,” said Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. “And Flynn pled guilty to those lies, twice. A pardon by Trump does not erase that truth, no matter how Trump and his allies try to suggest otherwise.”Allies of Mr. Trump celebrated the move on social media, arguing that Mr. Flynn had been treated unfairly. And the White House spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, said in a statement that the pardon brought “to an end the relentless, partisan pursuit of an innocent man.”Mr. Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and a decorated lieutenant general, was an early supporter of Mr. Trump’s campaign. He was rewarded when Mr. Trump named him national security adviser shortly after winning the 2016 election, ignoring warnings from President Barack Obama, who voiced concerns about Mr. Flynn’s management of the intelligence agency.Mr. Flynn was also among a group of associates of the Trump campaign with links to Russian officials whom the F.B.I. scrutinized early in the counterintelligence investigation it opened in July 2016 to try to understand the extent of Russia’s covert interference in the campaign and whether any Trump campaign figures knew about it or were cooperating with it, wittingly or otherwise.It came to light that Mr. Flynn was lying to his colleagues about conversations he had in December 2016 with the Russian ambassador, Sergey I. Kislyak. In the calls, Mr. Flynn urged Moscow not to escalate in response to sanctions imposed by the departing Obama administration over Russia’s covert election interference to help Mr. Trump, and raised the possibility that the incoming Trump administration would work more closely with Russia.The pattern of lying raised new suspicions about Mr. Flynn. The F.B.I. sent agents to interview him at the White House even though deliberations with the Justice Department about whether to first tell Mr. Trump’s new White House counsel were not yet resolved. Notes from a meeting related to that interview suggest a purpose of the interview may have been to see whether Mr. Flynn would lie again to the F.B.I. agents — as he did.Despite firing Mr. Flynn, Mr. Trump asked the F.B.I. director at the time, James B. Comey, to end any investigation into Mr. Flynn. Details about the president’s request became public a few months later after Mr. Trump fired Mr. Comey and helped prompt Mr. Mueller’s appointment as special counsel.Although Mr. Trump initially distanced himself from Mr. Flynn, the president later began to disparage the Flynn case as part of his broader attacks on the Russia investigation as a “hoax,” a “witch hunt” and a deep-state plot to sabotage him.Over time, Mr. Flynn’s case became a cause for the right-wing media. Though Mr. Flynn had pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate in another criminal trial — as part of a deal to also resolve his liability related to working for Turkey without registering as a foreign agent, while also serving as a top adviser to the Trump campaign — he later hired a new lawyer, Sidney Powell, reversed course and ultimately sought to withdraw his plea.Mr. Flynn was never charged in connection with the Turkey issue. The White House did not immediately release the text of the pardon itself, so it was not clear whether it was written in a way that would foreclose any potential legal liability for Mr. Flynn on that or other matters, like making conflicting statements to Judge Sullivan as part of pleading guilty and then trying to withdraw that plea. Still, Mr. Trump described the pardon as a “full” one.Before Mr. Barr intervened in an attempt to dispose of the Flynn case, Justice Department prosecutors had portrayed his admitted guilt in both matters as a betrayal of trust by a high-ranking official who “failed to accept responsibility for his conduct” and continued to lie.“The defendant monetized his power and influence over our government, and lied to mask it,” they wrote. “When the F.B.I. and D.O.J. needed information that only the defendant could provide, because of that power and influence, he denied them that information. And so an official tasked with protecting our national security, instead compromised it.”At the start of her representation of Mr. Flynn, Ms. Powell had written to Mr. Barr, stressing the need to keep the communication secret, and counseled a strategy of replicating the model of the 2008 prosecution of a senator — also before Judge Sullivan — whose case the Justice Department sought to dismiss after conviction but before sentencing based on a finding of prosecutorial misconduct.She asked Mr. Barr to appoint an outside prosecutor to scour the case file for any material that prosecutors should have turned over to the defense. After Judge Sullivan rejected conspiracy theories about prosecutorial misconduct that Ms. Powell put forward, Mr. Barr followed her suggestion and opened a review.The reviewer Mr. Barr appointed produced documents showing that the F.B.I. had been aggressive when it decided to interview Mr. Flynn. While the Justice Department did not say the prior failure to turn over the files amounted to any misconduct, it cited them as providing a basis for Mr. Barr to abandon the prosecution.The department’s claimed rationale centered on the idea that Mr. Flynn’s lies to the F.B.I. were not crimes because they were not material to any legitimate investigation. One of the files showed that the F.B.I. had been moving to close its inquiry into whether Mr. Flynn was a Russian agent before the question arose of why he was lying to colleagues about his calls with the ambassador.That rationale for dropping the prosecution has been widely criticized by Mr. Gleeson and others since the F.B.I. legally needs little basis to conduct a voluntary interview, and because the mystery of Mr. Flynn’s lies to his colleagues about his interactions with the ambassador, in part regarding sanctions for Russia’s election interference, seemed obviously relevant to the larger Trump-Russia investigation.Mr. Gleeson argued that the department was showing special favor for Mr. Flynn because that is what Mr. Trump wanted, and urged Judge Sullivan not to permit the judiciary to be used as cover for a politically motivated intervention — that is what the pardon power is for. Ms. Powell, for her part, portrayed the case against her client as a corrupt and politically motivated conspiracy and accused Judge Sullivan of being biased.The Justice Department was not consulted on the plan to pardon Mr. Flynn but was given notice on Wednesday before the announcement, according to a department official. The department would have preferred to see whether the matter could be resolved in court, the official said.Before taking on Mr. Flynn, Ms. Powell was becoming known for her Fox News appearances bashing the Russia inquiry. She also sold T-shirts attacking Mr. Mueller and his team on her website.Ms. Powell has in recent weeks attached herself to the Trump legal team trying to overturn his loss in the 2020 presidential election, pushing a baseless conspiracy theory that Mr. Trump had won by a landslide but that fraudulent election software instead gave the victory to President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. After she made particularly wild accusations that even Republican officials had been involved in a payoff scheme, the Trump team disavowed her.Katie Benner and Eileen Sullivan contributed reporting. More

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    No, President Trump Did Not Pardon Himself

    WASHINGTON — This might have been the most anticipated White House turkey-pardoning ceremony ever.For starters, President Trump has been scarcely seen without golf clubs since Election Day. So the annual ritual of sparing two turkeys offered a rare chance to glimpse the lame-duck leader in public.“Thanksgiving is a very special day for turkeys,” the president said in the Rose Garden on Tuesday afternoon. “Not a very good one, if you think about it.” Except for two fortunate feathered recipients of the president’s largess.It felt almost normal, refreshingly pro forma. With a zest for showmanship, Mr. Trump had always seemed in his element on these cornball occasions, no matter what other turmoil happened to be upending his presidency at the moment.But Mr. Trump’s recent reclusiveness had also given the festivities a measure of Groundhog Day drama: Would the Punxsutawney President strike a light and conciliatory tone, signaling a mild period of transition into the Biden administration? Or would he continue with the defiant and rancorous posture he has exhibited in the more than 550 tweets he has unleashed since Nov. 3, ensuring several more disruptive weeks of a presidency in dark winter?The cliffhanger infused the hokey White House tradition with genuine theatrics — just as the master of ceremonies relishes. Speculation had swirled in recent days that the president might make incendiary news by pardoning humans like Paul Manafort (his former campaign chairman, convicted of tax and bank fraud) along with his innocent feathered friends Corn and Cob (imported from Iowa, 42 and 41 pounds, with 35- and 34-inch wingspans).If nothing else, the spectacle offered a respite from the daily onslaught of Mr. Trump’s legal challenges, as well as the carefully produced announcements of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s new cabinet officials — several of whom were being introduced in Wilmington, Del., as the president and the first lady, Melania Trump, were making their way out to the Rose Garden at about 2:30 p.m.The president began by announcing again that the Dow Jones industrial average had broken 30,000 for the first time. (He had first announced it an hour and a half earlier in an appearance in the White House briefing room that lasted barely a minute.) Although the market appeared to be reacting to the Government Services Administration’s decision on Monday night that the transition to the Biden administration could formally begin, Mr. Trump wrapped himself in the news.“I just want to congratulate everybody,” Mr. Trump said, a throwback to the pre-election days, when he would boast constantly about the performance of the stock market, as if it offered some running testimonial to his performance in office.Voters have since rendered a harsher verdict. Recent weeks have, by all accounts, been difficult for a president whose self-definition as a “winner” has been dented by a battering of courtroom defeats, rising vote deficits and scattered abandonment from former Republican allies.At the very least, the White House turkey tradition offered the comfort of ritual. It was started by President Truman in 1947, though President Kennedy was the first to spare the honored bird. President Bush was the first to officially use the word “pardon” in 1989.Mr. Trump wore a navy blue overcoat and bright red tie in the chill of the late November afternoon. He made no mention of the election or the president-elect. He seemed slightly subdued but for the most part in decent spirits.He described this as “a time that is very unusual,” which seemed apt enough.“We’re here to continue a beloved annual tradition,” the president said, ushering in the featured, feathered portion of the ceremony.He mentioned that Corn and Cob had been selected from a presidential flock that included some “real beauties” and noted that they came from Iowa.“I love the state of Iowa,” Mr. Trump said, by way of buttering up the home of the butterballs. (He is said to be considering a comeback campaign in 2024.)“We love our farmers,” he added, for good measure.After a few minutes, the president and the first lady stepped out from behind the Rose Garden podium and approached the guest of honor.“Look at that beautiful, beautiful bird,” Mr. Trump marveled as he gestured toward Corn, who was perched a few feet away. (Cob was not immediately visible to onlookers.)“Oh, that is a lucky bird,” he continued. “Wow.”“Thank you, Corn,” Mr. Trump said as he briefly laid his forgiving hand upon the rich white plume of his beneficiary.The president and the first lady waved to the friendly crowd as they took leave of Corn, who at that moment did manage a brief serenade of gobbles.Mr. Trump flashed a thumbs-up for the cameras and did not respond to two shouted questions from reporters: one about whether he might invite Mr. Biden for a White House visit and the other about whether he might soon be pardoning himself.At this same event last year, the president had said that “I expect this pardon will be a very popular one with the media. After all, turkeys are closely related to vultures.”In other words, Mr. Trump had likened reporters to vultures. More