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    Indigenous Party, Not on the Ballot, Is Still a Big Winner in Ecuador Election

    Its candidate didn’t reach Sunday’s presidential runoff, but the party’s powerful showing in the first round of voting has transformed the national agenda.TARQUI, Ecuador — Though its candidate is not on the ballot, one big winner in Sunday’s presidential runoff in Ecuador was clear before the first vote was cast: the nation’s long-marginalized Indigenous movement.The Indigenous party and its allies jolted the nation in the first round of voting in February, winning half of all states, becoming the second-largest presence in Congress and transforming the agenda of the finalists in Sunday’s presidential race, the leftist Andrés Arauz and the conservative Guillermo Lasso.“The politics of Ecuador will never be the same,” said Farith Simon, an Ecuadorean law professor and columnist. “There’s still racism, but there’s also a re-vindication of the value of Indigenous culture, of pride in their national role.”Eager to court Indigenous voters and mindful of the need to work with the newly powerful Indigenous bloc in Congress, Mr. Arauz and Mr. Lasso have revamped their messages and shifted the contest from the polarizing socialist-versus-conservative ground that has defined national politics for years. Debates are emerging instead on Ecuador’s deep-seated inequality and on an economic model reliant on the export of oil and metals extracted from Indigenous lands.Both candidates have promised to enact greater environmental safeguards and to grant Indigenous communities more say over the extraction of resources. Mr. Lasso, 66, a banker, has vowed to improve economic opportunities for Indigenous people, who, despite decades of progress, lag far behind national averages in access to education, health care and jobs.Both candidates have promised to enact greater environmental safeguards and to grant Indigenous communities more say over the extraction of resources. Johanna Alarcon for The New York TimesMr. Arauz, 36, an economist who led in the first round of voting, has promised to lead Ecuador as a true “plurinational” country in recognition of its 15 Indigenous nations. Though largely symbolic, the designation had been sought for decades by the country’s Indigenous party, Pachakutik, as a powerful acknowledgment of its people’s central place in Ecuador.The rise of Pachakutik on the national stage has not only brought attention to the country’s Indigenous minority, it has posed deeper questions of identity for the entire electorate. Though just 8 percent of Ecuadoreans identified themselves as Indigenous in the last census, much of the population is ethnically mixed.“This is a difficult conversation for us as a nation, but there’s no turning back,” Mr. Simon said.The man most responsible for the political sea change has been the environmental activist Yaku Pérez, the Pachakutik presidential candidate in February’s first round of voting.Mr. Pérez, 52, narrowly missed the runoff, but he greatly broadened Pachakutik’s historic single-digit appeal with his support for women’s rights, equality for L.G.B.T.Q. people and efforts to fight climate change. Mr. Pérez also backed abortion rights and same-sex marriage, creating tensions inside his socially conservative Indigenous constituency.Pachakutik supporters in February. Yaku Pérez, the Pachakutik presidential candidate, narrowly missed the runoff, but he greatly broadened the party’s appeal.Rodrigo Buendia/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images“Pérez had an enormous capacity to open his horizons, his discourse, to incorporate themes that weren’t there” in Ecuadorean politics, said Alberto Acosta, a former Pachakutik presidential candidate.Mr. Pérez’s rise is part of a larger generational shift in Latin America’s leftist movements. Partly driven by social media and political protests in the United States, where most Latin American nations have large diasporas, younger left-leaning politicians are prioritizing environment, gender and minority issues over the Marxist doctrine of their mentors.In neighboring Peru, Verónika Mendoza, 40, is among the top contenders in Sunday’s presidential election, promising to grant land titles to Indigenous communities and protect the environment. In Bolivia, the 34-year-old Indigenous leader Eva Copa recently won a mayor’s race in El Alto, a melting-pot city considered a bellwether.This new generation of leaders is going beyond the traditional left-right divide, challenging their countries’ historic reliance on large mining, oil and agribusiness projects for economic growth, said Carwil Bjork-James, an anthropologist at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee.“These are big continental questions that the Indigenous movements have been asking for a long time,” Mr. Bjork-James said. “To see these questions being asked politically is a new level.”Such a framework is shortsighted, their rivals say. South American nations have no alternative but to rely on revenue from raw materials to recover from the pandemic. And only through economic development, they say, can inequalities be fully addressed.In Ecuador, Mr. Pérez managed to win nearly 20 percent of February’s vote, but his party and its allies soared from nine to 43 congressional seats in the election, becoming kingmakers in the country’s fractured 137-seat legislature.The campaign had initially focused on the legacy of Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s longest-serving democratic president. He had lifted millions from poverty during a commodities boom in the 2000s, but his authoritarian style and the corruption allegations that trailed him had left the nation bitterly divided.Andrés Arauz, a leftist candidate for president, campaigning in Quito last week. He has tailored a message for Indigenous voters.Cristina Vega Rhor/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesMr. Correa, who left office in 2017, picked Mr. Arauz to represent his leftist movement this year, catapulting the 36-year-old to the top of the polls despite his limited experience and national recognition. Mr. Lasso centered his early campaign message on fears that Mr. Correa would continue to exert influence.But the first-round results “showed that a great part of the population doesn’t want to be boxed into this conflict between Correa’s supporters and opponents, which reduces Ecuadoreans’ problems to a binary vision,” said Mr. Acosta, the former candidate.Pachakutik’s electoral success this year traces to a wave of national protests in October 2019, when the Indigenous movement marched on the capital, Quito, to demand the repeal of a deeply unpopular cut in gasoline subsidies. The protests turned violent, claiming at least eight lives, but the government withdrew the subsidy cut after 12 days of unrest.“We showed the country that the Indigenous people are looking for a transformation of this dominant system that only serves the most affluent,” said Diocelinda Iza, a leader of the Kichwa nation in the central province of Cotopaxi.The life of Mr. Pérez, the presidential candidate, embodies the travails of the Indigenous movement. He was born in a high Andean valley in southern Ecuador to a family of impoverished farmers. His father was Kichwa, his mother Kañari.Guillermo Lasso, the conservative, campaigning in Guayaquil. He, too, is broadening his platform.Rodrigo Buendia/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesHis parents worked on the estate of a local landowner without pay in return for living on his property, a rural arrangement that has changed little since colonial times.From his childhood, Mr. Pérez said he remembers the seemingly endless toil in the fields, the pangs of hunger, and the humiliation he felt at school when his mother came to parent meetings dressed in traditional skirts.“I felt a lot of shame to be Indigenous, to come from the field, to be a farmer, to have a sharecropper father,” Mr. Pérez said in an interview in March. To succeed at school, he said, “I ended up whitening myself, colonizing myself, rejecting our identity.”Mr. Pérez ended up studying at a local university, practicing law and becoming involved in politics through local associations defending communal water rights. He rose to become the governor of Ecuador’s Azuay region, the country’s fifth-most populous, before quitting to run for president.His story has resonated with other Indigenous people, many of whom see the political efforts of today in the context of the five centuries since Ecuador’s colonial conquest.“We’re not campaigning for a person,” said one Indigenous leader, Luz Namicela Contento, “but for a political project.”Jose María León Cabrera reported from Tarqui, Ecuador, and Anatoly Kurmanaev from Moscow. Mitra Taj contributed reporting from Lima, Peru. More

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    Las elecciones presidenciales en Ecuador son un referendo del pasado

    Aunque Rafael Correa, expresidente de Ecuador, se encuentra en el exilio, aún ejerce una gran influencia en la política del país.Credit…Daniel Berehulak para The New York TimesLas elecciones presidenciales en Ecuador son un referendo del pasadoEl país, que enfrenta los embates de la pandemia y una persistente recesión económica, ve cómo el debate político gira en torno a un líder que ya gobernó.Aunque Rafael Correa, expresidente de Ecuador, se encuentra en el exilio, aún ejerce una gran influencia en la política del país.Credit…Daniel Berehulak para The New York TimesSupported byContinue reading the main storyJosé María León Cabrera, Anatoly Kurmanaev y 7 de febrero de 2021 a las 07:15 ETRead in EnglishQUITO — El domingo, Ecuador celebra una elección presidencial, pero el nombre que repiten muchos votantes no aparece en la boleta.Aquí, en Ciudad Bicentenario, un pulcro proyecto de vivienda en las cuestas andinas de Quito, la capital, la mayoría tienen la esperanza puesta en que Rafael Correa les ayude a superar las crisis que trajeron la pandemia y la recesión.Correa, el carismático expresidente, gobernó al país durante un auge económico a principios de siglo que ayudó a muchos líderes izquierdistas en América Latina a sacar de la pobreza a millones de personas y a construir una perdurable base popular.La ola izquierdista ya amainó; la mayoría de sus líderes fueron acusados de corrupción y de extralimitarse en su poder. El mismo Correa fue encontrado culpable de cohecho agravado, enfrenta 35 investigaciones penales y tiene prohibido volver a postular a la presidencia.Pero, como otros líderes poderosos de la llamada marea rosada, sigue teniendo peso en el panorama político de Ecuador, algo que polariza a la nación y hace que el debate esté enfocado en su legado en lugar de en la realidad actual que vive Ecuador.Desde el exilio, Correa impulsó la candidatura de Andrés Arauz, un economista poco conocido de 35 años, para que se postulara por su movimiento, conocido como correísmo. Eso catapultó a Arauz al frente de la contienda a pesar de que algunos de sus seguidores apenas si conocen su nombre.María Obando, una pensionada de 65 años de Ciudad Bicentenario dijo que votaría “por mi Rafaelito”. Al recordarle que Correa no participa en la elección, respondió: “Da lo mismo. Por el de él”.Ciudad Bicentenario se construyó durante el gobierno de Correa y alberga a 1200 familias en Quito. Credit…Johis Alarcón para The New York TimesLabores de jardinería en Ciudad Bicentenario. Correa ganó muchos seguidores al lograr estabilidad para una nación que solía vivir convulsionada política y económicamente. Credit…Johis Alarcón para The New York TimesArauz se enfrenta a Guillermo Lasso, un exbanquero, a Yaku Pérez, líder ambientalista indígena, y a otros 13 candidatos.Más de un tercio de los electores dicen que votarán por Arauz, lo que lo ubica alrededor de ocho puntos porcentuales por delante de Lasso, dentro del margen de una victoria contudente de primera vuelta en las votaciones del domingo, según un reporte del 28 de enero que promediaba las encuestas compilado por Cálculo Electoral, un grupo de investigación ecuatoriano. (Arauz podría ganar directamente con el 40 por ciento de los votos si aventaja por 10 puntos a su rival más cercano).El atractivo perdurable de Correa podría seguir una tendencia regional que ha visto cómo los votantes abatidos por la recesión económica en Argentina y Bolivia devolvieron al poder a los partidos de líderes populistas de izquierda asociados con épocas de mayor bienestar y gasto social.“Como proyecto político, queremos que vuelvan esas políticas que tanto bienestar dieron”, dijo Correa en una entrevista. Dijo que le había notificado personalmente a Arauz que sería el candidato de su movimiento y que sigue “en contacto permanente” con él. Incluso, como prueba de su cercanía, mostró en su teléfono los intercambios en un grupo de Whatsapp que dijo que incluía a su protegido.Correa, el presidente que más tiempo gobernó el país desde que este superó una dictadura militar en 1979, se ganó la fidelidad de muchos al conseguir estabilidad para un país que estuvo plagado de convulsión política y económica.Repartió parte de las ganancias petroleras del país en ayudas en efectivo a los pobres y construyó escuelas, carreteras y viviendas muy subsidiadas, como las hileras de departamentos de tres pisos en Ciudad Bicentenario.Pero después de que los precios del petróleo se desplomaron en 2014, la economía básicamente se paralizó y la pandemia terminó de empujar el estancamiento a una crisis devastadora. La actividad económica se contrajo alrededor de 9 por ciento el año pasado cuando el coronavirus dejó cientos de cadáveres dispersos por las calles de Guayaquil, la segunda ciudad más grande de Ecuador.Andrés Arauz, a la cabeza en las encuestas y protegido de Correa, durante un evento de campaña en Quito la semana pasada. Credit…Rodrigo Buendia/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesRosario Carrera, izquierda, y Andrea Encalada, lideresas comunitarias de Ciudad Bicentenario.Credit…Johis Alarcón para The New York TimesLa larga sombra política de Correa en Ecuador demuestra el modo en que los líderes populares sudamericanos siguen ejerciendo su poder incluso después de concluidos sus mandatos, a menudo gracias a una base duradera.El expresidente de Bolivia Evo Morales, quien abandonó el cargo por la presión de los militares luego de que buscó elegirse para un cuarto mandato, ha seguido eligiendo a los candidatos de su partido después de volver del exilio en noviembre. En Argentina, la expresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner ha continuado ejerciendo una gran influencia en su partido después de volver a la vida pública como vicepresidenta en 2019.En el vecino Perú, donde las elecciones presidenciales se llevarán a cabo en abril, la hija del expresidente Alberto Fujimori, ahora en prisión, es candidata y va en segundo lugar según algunos sondeos, a pesar de que la contienda sigue muy volátil.Y en Cuba, Nicaragua y Venezuela, líderes que alguna vez fueron populares, o sus protegidos, han esquivado procesos electorales libres y justos para perpetuar su mandato.El sucesor de Correa y su anterior vicepresidente, Lenín Moreno, desea que Ecuador rompa ese molde, al argumentar que los líderes que se aferran tanto al poder no son saludables para la democracia.“La eternalización en el poder lastimosamente provoca que la gente que lo ejerce adquiera siniestralidades, que en más de una ocasión lindan con la corrupción y hasta con los crímenes de lesa humanidad”, dijo Moreno en una entrevista durante su visita a Washington el mes pasado. “Al momento en que termina su periodo tiene que decir: ‘Ya no más’”.Después de ganar las elecciones en 2017, Moreno rompió con su antiguo aliado y revirtió radicalmente el camino del país: abandonó el populismo de izquierda de Correa y su retórica antiimperialista en favor de una política económica conservadora y lazos más estrechos con Washington.Moreno también dijo que había intentado reconstruir las instituciones democráticas, dañadas por lo que él llamó el desdén hacia las reglas de su antecesor. Supervisó la reestructuración de la corte más alta del país para hacerla más independiente, renegoció la deuda de Ecuador y detuvo los ataques del gobierno a la prensa, aseguró.“Lo que ellos armaron, lastimosamente perdió el rumbo”, dijo Moreno en referencia al gobierno anterior.Moreno decidió no reelegirse y volvió a instituir los límites al mandato presidencial que Correa había eliminado. Su gobierno también llevó a cabo investigaciones de corrupción que resultaron en la condena del expresidente y la encarcelación de ocho de sus ministros. Pero la austeridad de las medidas de Moreno lo volvieron muy impopular, lo que ha hecho que muchos ecuatorianos anhelen el regreso de Correa.José Fernández, pensionado en Ciudad Bicentenario, dijo que el candidato que Correa apoya enfrenta una difícil situación. Credit…Johis Alarcón para The New York TimesUn afiche a favor de Correa en una ventana en Ciudad Bicentenario. Aunque su nombre no aparece en la boleta, muchos votantes lo tienen presente.Credit…Johis Alarcón para The New York TimesCorrea dijo que los cargos de corrupción en su contra eran políticos y dijo que Moreno era “el peor traidor de la historia del Ecuador”. Dijo que las medidas de austeridad económica deberían eliminarse y que había que reemplazar a los magistrados que Moreno nombró. El presidente y el fiscal general que lo investiga, dijo Correa, terminarían en la cárcel.Esa política radical muestra el costo de los liderazgos prolongados en América Latina, como el de Correa, dijo Risa Grais-Targow, analista en la consultora Eurasia Group, una consultora de política de riesgo.“Todo se convierte en un referéndum sobre Correa”, dijo. “El resultado son estas oscilaciones constantes, en las que los líderes cambian el sistema según les conviene antes de que sus sucesores intenten deshacerlo”.Estas oscilaciones socavan la estabilidad económica y la confianza de los inversionistas, lo que hace que el avance del país sea más difícil, dijo Grais-Targow.Correa dijo que seguiría viviendo en Bélgica, a donde se mudó con su esposa de nacionalidad belga después de dejar el cargo, pero defendió la persistencia de sus ambiciones políticas. Dijo que iba a asesorar a Arauz si llega al poder, y aseguró estar “en perfecta sincronía” con el candidato.“¿Cuál sería el problema?”, dijo Correa cuando se le preguntó si volvería a postular en el futuro. “Los liderazgos son deseables, ningún país se ha desarrollado sin liderazgo”.Los analistas políticos dicen que quien gane la elección tendría dificultades para cumplir la promesa de una pronta recuperación. Las arcas del país están vacías y gran parte de las exportaciones petroleras se emplean para pagarle a China los préstamos.“La situación no es igual, la economía no está igual”, dijo José Fernández, un pensionado de Ciudad Bicentenario, refiriéndose a los años de auge correísta. “La va a tener difícil”.No obstante, planea votar por Arauz porque ofrece la mayor posibilidad de repetir el éxito económico de Correa.“Mire, si el economista Arauz hace exactamente lo que le diga el economista Correa, le va a ir bien”.Nayeli Carcelén y su familia fueron beneficiarios del programa de vivienda de Correa. Aún no decide su voto. Credit…Johis Alarcón para The New York TimesJosé María León Cabrera More

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    Ecuador’s Presidential Election Is a Referendum on the Past

    Although Rafael Correa, the former president of Ecuador, is in exile, he still exerts great influence over the country’s politics.Credit…Daniel Berehulak for The New York TimesEcuador’s Presidential Election Is a Referendum on the PastThe country, facing a pandemic and an entrenched recession, is seeing political debate revolve around the legacy of a long-gone leader.Although Rafael Correa, the former president of Ecuador, is in exile, he still exerts great influence over the country’s politics.Credit…Daniel Berehulak for The New York TimesSupported byContinue reading the main storyJosé María León Cabrera, Anatoly Kurmanaev and Feb. 7, 2021, 7:00 a.m. ETLeer en españolQUITO, Ecuador — Ecuador is holding a presidential election on Sunday, but the name on many voters’ lips is not on the ballot.Here in Ciudad Bicentenario, a neat housing project on the Andean slopes of the capital, Quito, it is on Rafael Correa that most hang their hopes of overcoming the overlapping crises brought on by a pandemic and a recession.A charismatic former president, Mr. Correa governed during an economic boom in the 2000s that helped many left-wing leaders in Latin America lift millions out of poverty and build a lasting popular following.The leftist wave has since subsided; most of its leaders were accused of corruption and authoritarian overreach. Mr. Correa himself was convicted of graft, faces another 35 criminal investigations and is barred from running again.But he, like other powerful leaders of the so-called Pink Wave, continues to loom large over the political landscape, polarizing the country and focusing debate on his legacy rather than on the reality facing Ecuador today.From exile, Mr. Correa championed the candidacy of Andrés Arauz, 35, a little-known economist, as the standard-bearer of his political movement, known as the Correismo. The backing catapulted Mr. Arauz to the front of the presidential race, although some of his supporters barely know his name.“I’m voting for my Rafaelito,” said María Obando, a 65-year-old pensioner from Ciudad Bicentenario, using an affectionate diminutive of Mr. Correa’s first name. When reminded that Mr. Correa is not running, she said: “It doesn’t matter, I’ll vote for his guy.”Ciudad Bicentenario was built during Mr. Correa’s administration, housing up to 1,200 families in Quito.Credit…Johis Alarcón for The New York TimesWatering a garden in Ciudad Bicentenario. Mr. Correa earned the allegiance of many by bringing stability to a nation once rife with political and economic turmoil.Credit…Johis Alarcón for The New York TimesMr. Arauz is running against Guillermo Lasso, a former banker; Yaku Pérez, an Indigenous environmental activist; and 13 other candidates.More than a third of voters say they plan to cast their ballots for Mr. Arauz, putting him about eight percentage points ahead of Mr. Lasso and within striking distance of an outright victory in the first round of voting on Sunday, according to a Jan. 28 polling average compiled by Electoral Calculus, an Ecuadorean research group. (Mr. Arauz could win outright with 40 percent of the vote if he is 10 points ahead of his closest rival.)Mr. Correa’s enduring appeal could continue a regional trend that has seen recession-fatigued voters in Argentina and Bolivia return to power the parties of leftist populists associated with better days and social spending.“We, as a political project, want the return of the policies that produced so much well-being,” Mr. Correa said in an interview. He said that he personally told Mr. Arauz he had been chosen as the movement’s candidate and that he stays in “permanent contact” with him — displaying a WhatsApp group that he said includes his protégé as evidence of that connection.Mr. Correa, the country’s longest-serving president since it emerged from military dictatorship in 1979, earned the allegiance of many by bringing stability to a nation once rife with political and economic turmoil.He handed some of the country’s oil revenue out in cash grants to the poor, and he built schools, roads and heavily subsidized housing, like the rows of three-story apartment blocks in Ciudad Bicentenario.But the economy largely ground to a halt after oil prices fell in 2014, and the pandemic tipped stagnation into a crippling crisis. Economic activity shrank by an estimated 9 percent last year, when the coronavirus left hundreds of dead bodies on the streets of Ecuador’s second-largest city, Guayaquil.Andres Arauz, the front-runner in the polls and Mr. Correa’s protege, campaigning in Quito last week.Credit…Rodrigo Buendia/Agence France-Presse — Getty ImagesRosario Carrera, left, and Andrea Encalada, community leaders of Ciudad Bicentenario.Credit…Johis Alarcón for The New York TimesThe long political shadow cast by Mr. Correa on Ecuador underlines how popular South American leaders continue exerting power long after their time is officially up, often propped up by an enduring following.Former President Evo Morales of Bolivia, who stepped down under military pressure after seeking a fourth term, has continued picking candidates for his party since returning from exile in November. In Argentina, former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner continues to exert influence over her party since returning to office as vice president in 2019.In neighboring Peru, where presidential elections will be held in April, the daughter of the jailed authoritarian former president Alberto Fujimori is running second in some campaign polls, although the race remains volatile.And in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, once popular leaders or their protégés have sidestepped free and fair elections altogether to perpetuate their rule.Mr. Correa’s successor and his former vice president, Lenín Moreno, wants to see Ecuador break that mold, arguing that leaders with too tight a grip on power are unhealthy for democracies.“The eternalizing of power, unfortunately, leads those who wield it to acquire malice, which in more than one occasion has ended in corruption and even crimes against humanity,” Mr. Moreno said in an interview during his visit to Washington last month. “When your period ends a leader has to say, ‘Right, enough.’”After winning election in 2017, Mr. Moreno broke with his former ally and radically reversed the nation’s course, abandoning Mr. Correa’s leftist populism and anti-imperialist rhetoric for a conservative economic policy and closer ties to Washington.Mr. Moreno said he also sought to rebuild the democratic institutions damaged by what he called his predecessor’s disdain for the rules. He oversaw the restructuring of the top court to make it more independent, renegotiated the national debt and stopped official attacks on the news media.“What they built, unfortunately had lost direction,” Mr. Moreno said, referring to the previous administration.Mr. Moreno chose not to seek re-election, and reinstated presidential term limits abolished by Mr. Correa. His administration also undertook the corruption investigations that resulted in the former president’s conviction and the jailing of eight of his ministers. But Mr. Moreno’s austerity measures made him highly unpopular, leaving many Ecuadorians clamoring for Mr. Correa’s return.José Fernández, a pensioner in Ciudad Bicentenario, said Mr. Correa’s protege faces a tough fight. “The situation is not the same, the economy is not the same.” Credit…Johis Alarcón for The New York TimesA poster for Mr. Correa in a window at Ciudad Bicentenario. He’s on many voters’ minds, though he is not on the ballot.Credit…Johis Alarcón for The New York TimesMr. Correa said the corruption charges against him were political and called Mr. Moreno “the worst traitor in Ecuador’s history.” He said the economic austerity measures should be scrapped and the top judges installed by Mr. Moreno replaced. The president and the attorney general investigating him, Mr. Correa said, would ultimately end up in jail.Such all-or-nothing politics reflect the costs of lingering Latin American leaders such as Mr. Correa, said Risa Grais-Targow, an analyst at Eurasia Group, a political risk consultancy.“Everything becomes a referendum on Correa,” she said. “The results are these constant swings back and forth, with leaders changing the system as they see fit before their successors try to undo it.”These swings undermine economic stability and investor confidence, making it harder for the nation to advance, Ms. Grais-Targow said.Mr. Correa said he would continue living in Belgium, where he moved with his Belgian wife after leaving office, but defended his enduring political ambitions. He said he would advise Mr. Arauz if he wins office, claiming to be “in perfect synchrony” with the candidate.“What would be the problem?” Mr. Correa said when asked if he would run for office in the future. “Leaderships are desirable, no country has developed without leadership.”Political analysts say whoever wins the election will struggle to meet promises of a speedy recovery. The national coffers are empty, and the bulk of the country oil exports go to China as repayment on Chinese loans.“The situation is not the same, the economy is not the same,” said José Fernández, a pensioner in Ciudad Bicentenario, referring to Mr. Correa’s boom years. “It’s going to be tough.”Still, he plans to vote for Mr. Arauz, because he offers the biggest hope of repeating Mr. Correa’s economic success.“Look, if this guy does exactly what Mr. Correa tells him to, he’ll do fine.”Nayeli Carcelén and her family benefited from Mr. Correa’s housing program. She is still deciding whom to support.Credit…Johis Alarcón for The New York TimesJosé María León Cabrera reported from Quito, Anatoly Kurmanaev from Caracas, Venezuela and Natalie Kitroeff from Mexico City.AdvertisementContinue reading the main story More