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    Quiz: What’s Your Friendship Style?

    Welcome to Well’s 5-day Friendship Challenge! Step one is to discover your friendship style. Do you like to plumb the depths of a new acquaintance’s soul? Or are you surprisingly skilled at small talk? We all need social connection, but we thrive in different ways. So we partnered with Kasley Killam, a social scientist and […] More

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    The G.O.P. Debate Is Tonight. How Much Do You Know About the Race?

    Seven Republican presidential hopefuls will gather today for the second formal debate of the 2024 campaign, which, for the second time, will not include the front-runner, former President Donald J. Trump. With the first primaries and caucuses more than three months away, there’s still plenty of time to tune in. But how well do you know the race right now — and the candidates not named Trump?First, let’s test your knowledge of the 2024 Republican field.1 of 16Thirteen Republicans are currently running for president. Which of the following is not among them?2 of 16Which Republican is still running for president, even though he hasn’t qualified for either of the first two debates?3 of 16Which two of these candidates used to work for the Trump administration?4 of 16These five candidates are leading the G.O.P. primary, according to the FiveThirtyEight polling average as of noon today. Drag their names to put them in order, from the candidate polling the highest to the one polling the lowest.Donald TrumpRon DeSantisNikki HaleyVivek RamaswamyMike PenceThe first debate in Milwaukee last month. Kenny Holston/The New York TimesNow let’s see how well you remember the first Republican debate, which happened last month.5 of 16The candidates were asked if they would still support Trump’s nomination if he were convicted of a crime. Which candidate glanced left and right before slowly raising a hand?6 of 16Which candidate said, about abortion: “We need to stop demonizing this issue” and “Let’s find consensus”?7 of 16Which candidate said, of Jan. 6, “I think the American people deserve to know whether everyone on this stage agrees that I kept my oath to the Constitution that day”?8 of 16Which candidate said, “I think it’s horrible that just because I’m from New Jersey, you ask me about unidentified flying objects and Martians”?9 of 16Which candidate accused his opponents of being “professional politicians” and “super PAC puppets”?Donald J. Trump in South Carolina this week. Doug Mills/The New York TimesThese next questions will test how well you’ve been following the race since the first debate.10 of 16In a recent interview with NBC News, Trump said, “I think what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake.” What was he talking about?11 of 16Which candidate blamed President Biden for the ongoing autoworkers strike, saying, “When you have a president that’s constantly saying, ‘go union, go union,’ this is what you get” — which Biden’s campaign turned into an ad?12 of 16Which candidate is not married, but says he is “dating a lovely Christian girl”?Kenny Holston/The New York TimesAnd finally, how ready are you for tonight’s debate?13 of 16Which candidate appeared in the first debate, but won’t be onstage tonight after failing to qualify for the second?14 of 16Where is tonight’s debate taking place?15 of 16Fox News hosted the first debate. Which news outlets are hosting the second?16 of 16Trump skipped the first debate. What will he be doing during the second? More