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    Donald Trump claims Anthony Fauci ‘wrong’ about cause of Covid-19 surge

    President again contradicts his own health expert after doctor highlights troubled US response to virusDonald Trump launched an extraordinary attack on his own top infectious disease expert, Dr Anthony Fauci, arguing against the doctor’s claim that high rates of infection in the US stem from a less aggressive reaction to the virus in terms of economic shutdowns and stay-at-home orders.“Wrong!” countered the president as he retweeted a video of Fauci making the point in recent congressional testimony. Continue reading… More

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    Democratic congressman issues blistering attack on Republicans after Covid-19 diagnosis

    Raúl Grijalva condemns colleagues for failing to take crisis seriously as they ‘strut around the Capitol with no mask’A Democratic congressman diagnosed as positive for the coronavirus has condemned Republican politicians for their carelessness around Congress and blamed them for spreading the virus.The Arizona Democrat Raúl Grijalva tested positive for the coronavirus, it was revealed on Saturday, and has immediately quarantined, though he is asymptomatic and feeling well, his office said. But Grijalva issued a fiery condemnation of Republicans and their behavior around the halls of Congress. Continue reading… More

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    Texas 'wide open for business' despite surge in Covid-19 cases

    An older man in an orange apron greets customers at the Home Depot in College Station, Texas. Signs serving as a reminder they are living through a pandemic are plastered on the sliding glass doors: “Face covering required.”The reminder is much needed because to an outsider, Texas looked almost the same in July 2019 as it does in July 2020, despite Covid-19 having claimed more than 6,000 lives in the state and more than 150,000 lives in the US since March.Customers at the home improvement store walk in wearing masks, which have become highly politicized, only to lower them below their chins to speak or remove them altogether.In the upscale neighborhood of Montrose in Houston, the multi-story Agora coffee house is full of people hungry for coffee, pastries and conversation. It’s difficult to spot an open seat inside or outside on the patio. It’s also difficult to spot anyone wearing anything resembling a face covering.The Texas governor, Greg Abbott, a Republican, caught flak for allowing the reopening of bars, restaurants, movie theaters and shopping malls back in early May. In June, he said that Texas was “wide open for business”. Now in late July, more than four months into the Covid-19 pandemic, a mandatory mask order is in place across the state – a reversal from Abbott’s initial position that the government should not infringe on personal rights by telling citizens what to do. More

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    Fauci ‘cautiously optimistic’ US could have vaccine by end of the year

    Expert doubtful of fast-track efforts in Russia and ChinaHearing sees testy exchanges between Fauci and RepublicansDr Anthony Fauci, America’s top infectious disease expert, has told the US Congress he is “cautiously optimistic” that a “safe and effective” coronavirus vaccine will be available to the public by the end of 2020 during a hearing in Washington marked by testy exchanges between Fauci and senior Republicans loyal to Donald Trump. Related: House hearing finds US no closer to plan as coronavirus is ‘raging out of control’ – live Continue reading… More

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    The Guardian view on delaying elections: it’s what autocrats do | Editorial

    Donald Trump’s suggestion that the 2020 US election could be crooked is a challenge to democracy itself Postponing elections is what autocracies do. On Friday, Hong Kong’s leader, Carrie Lam, announced a delay to September’s planned legislative council (LegCo) elections. Ms Lam cited the coronavirus public health emergency as her justification. Yet the real reason is Hong Kong’s political emergency. Hong Kong’s elections have been postponed because even with its very limited democracy, Ms Lam and the Chinese government are afraid the voters will choose a LegCo with greater sympathy for the protests.In spite of their very different systems, Donald Trump’s reasons for proposing the postponement of November’s US presidential election are essentially the same. Mr Trump also cites the pandemic. But his real motives are also political. He thinks he is losing the campaign. He thinks Joe Biden will be elected in November. He wants to stop him if he can, by fair means or foul. And he wants to discredit his own defeat. Continue reading… More

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    Coronavirus US: Fauci appears at house hearing on virus 'raging out of control' – live

    Hearing chairman: Trump has no strategy to protect people
    Fauci: multiple candidate vaccines rapidly under development in US
    Plan to slash $600 lifeline threatens misery for millions
    Join us for a live digital event with Eric Holder to discuss voter suppression in the 2020 election, next Thursday at 5pm ET. Register now
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    Fauci testifies before congressional panel on ‘national plan’ for coronavirus – watch live

    Key events


    11.04am EDT11:04
    Crunch day for federal $600 weekly supplements for the unemployed in the coronavirus crisis

    10.33am EDT10:33
    Coronavirus vaccine: ‘Any American that needs it will get it,’ Fauci says

    9.45am EDT09:45
    Multiple candidate vaccines rapidly under development in US – Fauci

    9.30am EDT09:30
    Clyburn: coronavirus is ‘raging out of control’

    9.22am EDT09:22
    Clyburn: ‘Our nation is in the midst of a public health catastrophe’

    9.17am EDT09:17
    Coronavirus hearing on Capitol Hill gets underway

    8.59am EDT08:59
    Key coronavirus hearing on Capitol Hill

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    11.04am EDT11:04

    Crunch day for federal $600 weekly supplements for the unemployed in the coronavirus crisis

    A White House press briefing is now belatedly underway. Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows is saying, in summary, no agreement yet in Washington about extending the $600 a week federal enhanced unemployment payments that are helping to keep at least 30 million Americans afloat right now.
    The payments technically expire today. Talks late last night between leading Republicans and Democrats did not result in a deal. It’s crunch day.
    My New York colleague Amanda Holpuch writes today:
    For millions of unemployed Americans dealing with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression a $600 payment each week from the government has been a vital lifeline, allowing them to keep their homes and put food on the table despite losing their jobs.
    But now many of those hit hard by the economic disaster caused by the coronavirus pandemic are bracing for a steep drop in income this week as Republican party infighting delays a replacement for an expansion to weekly unemployment benefits, meaning many could have that vital lifeline cut or taken away.

    at 11.05am EDT

    10.59am EDT10:59

    Anthony Fauci sets out his “five basics” for curbing the spread of coronavirus.
    Masks (yes), Crowds (no), Distancing (yes), bars (cheers, but nope), washing hands (yes).
    He said that congregating in any crowds can increase the risk of catching Covid-19.
    New York Democrat Nydia Velázquez pointed out that “it does not matter what you say if it’s undermined by the President of the United States.” More