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    Five Urgent Economic Reforms for India

    US President Donald Trump had already taken a sledgehammer to the export-led growth model. With the COVID-19 pandemic rousing primal passions, hitherto unfashionable ideas are emerging like Dracula from their grave. Protecting infant industries to improve future competitive advantage or strategic players for national security reasons are policies many are embracing with gusto again. Some […] More

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    Arguing with Zombies review: Paul Krugman trumps the Republicans

    The New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has four essential rules for successful punditry: Those maxims have consistently made Krugman the most intelligent and the most useful New York Times pundit, at least since Frank Rich wrote his final must-read column 11 years ago. A new collection of Krugman’s pieces, therefore, is a timely reminder […] More

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    What Will Post-Pandemic Economics Look Like?

    You pay little attention to the systems of your body — circulatory, digestive, pulmonary — unless something goes wrong. These automatic systems ordinarily go about their business, like unseen clockwork, while you think about a vexing problem at work, drink your morning cup of coffee, walk up and down the stairs and head out to […] More

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    China’s Uncertain Recovery From COVID-19

    A lot has changed since the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Wuhan, China, in December last year. While much remains unknown about the new coronavirus, COVID-19 has since spread rapidly from its origin in China to every corner of the world except Antarctica. Unlike previous health crises such as SARS (severe acute respiratory […] More

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    My friend's small hiking shop is dying. It's one story of millions | Katie Herzog

    My friend’s small hiking shop is dying. It’s one story of millions Katie Herzog This could be the end of cities and towns as we know them. The places that make communities unique may not survive While small businesses face bankruptcy, some massive corporations are getting relief. Photograph: Elaine Thompson/AP Like a lot of people, […] More

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    Economic recovery from the Covid-19 crisis will need a balancing act

    Economic recovery from the Covid-19 crisis will need a balancing act Michael Boskin The task is to navigate the difficult trade-offs and even more difficult politics as sensibly as possible Reopening the economy after the coronavirus crisis will involve balancing health and fiscal concerns. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images For a long time, as health spending […] More

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    Will COVID-19 Alter the Global Order?

    Fear, in the globalized sense of the word, had largely dissipated ever since the height of the Cold War, when the world stood by as the two superpowers stared each other down with nuclear weapons. Largely absent since the days of brinkmanship seen during the Berlin Airlift and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the world has […] More

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    Will COVID-19 Change Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia?

    The novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 spread to North Africa more than two months ago. Since then, there has been speculation among observers that the effects on society, the economy and political life may be changed in both the short term with people’s habits and the long term as governments take measures to contain the […] More